


  • Tomb of Fu Hao is the only well-preserved tomb unearthed so far in the Yin Ruins . His execution of the plan was poor .

    妇好墓是殷墟出土的唯一一座 保存 完好的墓穴。他的计划完成得不好。

  • Shenyang Imperial Palace is the second largest and well-preserved ancient palace complex only next to Beijing Palace Museum .

    沈阳故宫是除北京故宫外,中国现存第二大 完整的宫殿建筑群。

  • She 's very well-preserved for her age .

    对她那个年龄而言她 一点儿她不

  • He 's found fossils with extraordinarily well-preserved blood vessels and soft tissues but never intact DNA .

    他发现的化石具有 保存相当 完整的血管和软组织,但从未发现完整的DNA。

  • No well-preserved bodies had ever been found in Europe from this period the Neolithic or New Stone Age .

    冰人 生活在新石器时代,欧洲从未发现过 保存 那麽 的新石器时代遗骸。

  • In a boat-shaped Muguan a well-preserved woman .

    在一船形木棺中,有一具 保存 完好的女尸。

  • Langzhong as one of the four well-preserved ancient cities nationwide is bound to leave you with a long impression with its irresistible charm of architectural arts .

    全国整体风貌保护 完好的四大古城之一的阆中,那不可抗拒的建筑艺术魅力,定会让人久留记忆。

  • Annie is a well-preserved 50-year-old .

    安妮50岁, 保养

  • Well-preserved old town in the Jiangnan region .

    保存 完好的江南古镇。

  • In this video I will walk with you Liu Li Chang a well-preserved historical area of Beijing .

    在这个短片里,我将带你到琉璃厂,北京 保存 完好的历史 建筑区域。

  • The well-preserved sculpture among the top national treasures of China is believed to be a copy of the personal carriage of the First Emperor of Qin who in221 BC unified China for the first time .

    保存 完好的青铜雕塑属于中国一级国家文物,被认为是模仿了公元前221年统一中国的秦始皇的马车式样。

  • Originally built as a fortified manor house this medieval castle never encountered attack which is why it remains remarkably well-preserved today .

    这座中世纪的城堡最初是作为强化了的领主宅邸,从未遭到过任何攻击,这也是这座遗迹能够如此完好的 保存至今的原因。

  • I had the chance to see some well-preserved historical relics and old cities .

    在以色列我参观了一些 保存 良好的历史遗迹和古城。

  • The arts and literature are one of the most well-preserved and documented resources that can give us a direct link into what actually happened in the past .

    艺术和文学是 保存和记载 最为完善的一种资源,它们能使我们与过去实际发生过的事情直接联系起来。

  • It is a well-preserved ancient village .

    保存 完好的古村落。

  • Padua and Vicenza are prosperous well-preserved cities not overrun by tourists .

    帕多瓦和维琴察两市商业繁荣, 建筑 古迹 保存 良好,也没有蜂拥而至的游客。

  • The result is not only a well-preserved agricultural region just outside the city but also a vibrant livable urban area where public transportation rules .

    其结果不仅是一个 保存 完好的农业区域外的城市,但也是一个充满活力的,适宜居住的城市地区的公共交通的规则。

  • Exhumation structures are well-preserved in the UHP rocks and record extensive retrograde metamorphism .

    折返构造很 保存在超高压变质岩石中,并且记录了广泛的退变质作用。

  • The well-preserved 492 surviving caves have 45 000 square metres of murals and 2 400 painted statues .

    保存下来的石窟492个,壁画 面积达45000平方米,彩塑2400余身。

  • And they found that the fish 's right fin which was unusually well-preserved does appear to have digitlike bones .

    他们发现这只鱼的不同寻常地保留下来的右 的确看起来具有手指一般的骨头。

  • There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes .

    也有几 保存 完好的拜占庭时期的壁画。

  • The fossil 's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree .

    这具化石 保存有异常 完好的骨骼结构,因此可以将其明确地归入到恐龙家族中长有羽毛的一类。

  • Crucially 62000 has a reasonably well-preserved upper jaw which the type specimen lacks .

    关键是,62000样本拥有一个 保存相当 完好的上颌,而这正是这一类型的样本所缺少的。

  • Palawan Philippines is recognized as one of the best islands to visit in Southeast Asia for its beautiful beaches and well-preserved environment .

    菲律宾的巴拉望岛被认为是东南亚最佳岛屿之一,拥有美丽的海滩和 保存 完好 自然环境。

  • It 's also a popular tourist destination offering miles of well-preserved coastlines and an abundance of wildlife .

    这里同样是旅游圣地,有 着数英里 维持 的海滩并有着丰富的野生动植物。

  • Many well-preserved antique courtyard dwellings a trace of elegance and warmth .

    许多 保存 完好古色古香的四合院民居,透着典雅与温馨。

  • King Tut 's well-preserved face looks like dark leather and he has a hint of a smile .

    卡蒙木乃伊 保存的很 ,面部呈现暗 褐色,看上去有点象褐色皮革,而且面带微笑。

  • Female politicians appear on television in short skirts because they want to show that they are well-preserved and beautiful .

    女政治家穿短裙出现在电视上,因为她们希望显示自己 身材 保持 、漂亮。

  • Given these factors some areas have become a treasury of well-preserved ichthyosaur fossils .

    当这些因素存在时,某些地区就会变成一个充满 保存 完好的鱼龙化石的宝库。