


  • We have to study the expressing characters of Suzhou woodcut from its image characters and it is an effective way to compare the depiction in thew .

    所以,要从图象特征上研究苏州 版画的表现特点,将 版画描绘与实景对照来揭示是一种有效的方法。

  • On Relation Specific Image Figure and Carving Skills in Monochromatic Woodcut

    论黑白 木刻中具象人物造型与刀法语言的关系

  • Shortly after that he joined the Association of Woodcut Artists under the leadership of the National Woodcut Association and devoted himself to the new woodcut movement of China .

    此后不久,他加入了中华全国 木刻协会组织的“木刻之 ”,投身到了中国新兴木刻运动中。

  • The playing-cards were printed by woodcut blocks and many specimens survive .

    纸牌是用 雕版印刷,有许多样本保存了下来。

  • Liu Qingyuan emphasizes in his exhibition the connection between woodcut and Chinese native culture woodcut 's reproduction and propagation features and its elite side .

    而刘庆元在他的工作中强调的 实际上 木刻与中国本土文化的渊源,它复制与传播的特性以及其精英艺术的一面。

  • Woodcut : The term woodcut is often used loosely for any carving made on a wooden block .

    木刻 木刻): 木刻一词,泛指任何的雕刻木版。严格来说,它是“木面木刻”;

  • The woodcut version of the same atlas signed by Sun Hu and Shen Yuan was published in the 1920s .

    至于由孙祜和沈源 签章的同一个 绢本 彩绘 木刻版,则早在20世纪20年代就印制出版了。

  • On Performance of Blank Space in Creation of Woodcut Art

    浅析 版画艺术创作中的空白空间表现

  • This work takes the life story of Jesus from Gospels and it follows a popular style of woodcut engraving comic books in late Ming dynasty .

    内容 取材四福书的耶稣生平事迹,形式为晚明流行的版画连环画。

  • Woodcut in Pu'er shows a big picture about the myth of Chinese woodcut art which originated from Pu'er artists true feeling artistic creation .

    绝版 木刻在普洱谱写出了中国木刻艺术的神话,这源于普洱艺术家们真情实感的艺术创作。

  • Luxun had deep love for artistic works all his life especially in woodcut of block print .

    鲁迅先生一生热爱美术作品,对版画中 木刻 兴趣 尤甚

  • In my opinion the essential elements of woodcut concern four aspects : communication and transmission media and recording perspective and concept time and heterogeneous medium .

    我以为 木版 的必要元素是:交流与传播、记录与媒介、角度与观念、时间与异质。

  • Woodcut prints may have been used in the Middle East as early as the fifth century to make cloth designs .

    木刻 版画印刷术早在第五世纪就被用于中东的布料设计中。

  • In the art of Japanese Yamato-e many works are created according to the Eight-Scene theme and the scenery woodcut by KatsushikaHokusai is most admired .

    在日本浮世绘艺术中,有很多作品是以“八景”主题描绘而成,而葛饰北斋描绘的“八景”画题的风景 版画则是最为人推崇。

  • A print made from a woodcut . Shakespeare draws his characters well .

    木刻印出来的 。莎士比亚将人物 刻画得入木

  • There 're sculptures and woodblock prints in the exhibition . a print made from a woodcut .

    展出的有雕塑和木刻。用 木刻印板印出来的

  • Weatern woodcut shows how calculations were performed with beads .

    西洋 木刻图片中,可见以「珠」计「算」的方式。

  • At the flouring period of woodcut printing there appeared many intaglio printing which is bold and resolute vivacious equilibrating black and white besides the meticulous and tidy relief printing .

    在极度繁荣的明代 木刻版画中,除了细致工整的阳刻版画外,还出现了大刀阔斧、活泼明快、黑白相衬的阴刻版画;

  • The history of silkscreen printing is shorter than woodcut etching and lithographic ; and its artistic form is less distinctive .

    丝网版画相对 于木版、铜版、石版,其 产生的时间较短,艺术形式不够鲜明。

  • The woodcut autumn was conceived as a harvest scene .

    木刻 秋》是作为丰收的景象来构思的。

  • Third the Buddhist woodblock woodcut painting affect the later paintings .

    第三,雕版佛画影响到后世 木刻 年画

  • This book contains nearly 500 woodcut prints more than any other in America at the time .

    这本书有将近500 刻画,比当时美国任何一本书里的 木刻 都要多。

  • The Evolution of Spirit and From & The Cultural Background of Liangping New Year Woodcut in Chongqing

    精神与形式的嬗变演绎&重庆梁平 木版年画的文化背景

  • Vers Libre is a range of candle holders inspired by Dadaism and specifically by the woodcut fonts used around that time .

    “弗斯自由报”是达达主义的范围由持蜡烛的启发,具体时间由 木刻字体用于解决这一问题。

  • This is an interesting art phenomena in the history of the Chinese Reborn Woodcut Movement but was concealed in the past decades .

    这是一个长期被遮蔽的 新兴 木刻运动史上的 特殊 形态,也是一个 玩味的 特殊现象。

  • While nowadays when traditional woodcut technology of Yangliuqing New Year Paintings increasingly becomes consumption focus it is undergoing a complex transformation accordingly .

    在当前以杨柳青年画传统 木版技术为消费核心的文化语境中,杨柳青年画木版技术正在发生着复杂的技术转型。

  • Xiangba is the transliteration of woodcut from Tibetan language .

    “祥巴”,藏语音译,意为 木刻 版画

  • BARBARA KLEIN : As you might have guessed woodcut prints are made out of wood .

    你可能已经猜到了, 木刻版画是由木头制成的。

  • The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut .

    最古老的版画制作形式是 木刻 版画