wood tar


  • As the by-products of biomass pyrolysis wood tar contains kinds of inorganic organic compounds which are harmful to the environmental but at the same time wood tar is a cheap and valuable chemical resources .

    干馏炭化工艺的副产物- 焦油含有多种无机、有机化合物,对环境有着十分强烈的危害性,但同时也是-种宝贵的廉价的化工资源。

  • Study on preparation of phenol-formaldehyde resin adhesive with wood tar oil instead of a partial phenol


  • Any of three poisonous colorless isomeric phenols ; derived from coal or wood tar ; used as a disinfectant .

    三种有毒无色的同质异构苯酚中任意一种,来自煤或 焦油,用作消毒剂。

  • Yields of wood vinegar and wood tar were almost constant though yield of charcoal was slightly decreased with the increase of acetic acid aqueous solution concentration .

    处理液的醋酸浓度增加后,木醋液和 焦油的收率几乎不变,但木炭的收率稍微减少了。

  • The major achievements are : 1 The extraction of the burning oil of biomass from wood tar by distillation without any other goods of chemistry in this case no effect to the Physical properties of the burning oil of biomass .

    1采用直接蒸馏方法从 焦油中提取其可燃成分(简称生物质燃油),不加入其他任何化学物品,这样不会影响生物质燃油的物理性能。

  • The feasibility of preparation of granular activated carbon from tobacco stems adhesive with wood tar by microwave radiation was studied in this paper .

    研究了以烟秆废弃物为 原料 焦油 为主的复合黏结剂,采用微波辐射二氧化碳法制备颗粒活性炭的可行性。

  • Dry ethanol can be turned into ethylene and 25.16wt % wood tar gas into organic gases gas conversion rate was increased by 1.21 times .

    使无水乙醇可以转化为乙烯,25.16wt% 焦油转化为有机气体,气体的转化率提高了1.21倍。