wolf call

[wʊlf kɔl][wulf kɔ:l]

[法] 色鬼狼嚎调戏声

  • The wolf culture and mastiff culture have caused a sensation is because the wolf culture represents the call of the powerful people while the mastiff represents the confrontation of the weak .

    狼文化与獒文化引起巨大轰动的原因在于, 文化代表了强者的 呼喊,而獒文化则代表了弱者的反抗。

  • Well then said the wolf . Why did you call me bad names this time last year ?

    “那么,” 不成,又说道,“你去年的今天为什么 我的坏话?”

  • Again Wolf Larsen laughed at the same time beckoning them with his arm to follow . Sea dog and sea wolf : Psychoanalysis of London s The Call of the Wild and White Fang ;

    海狼赖生又笑了,同时挥手招呼他们追过来。海狗与海 &从精神分析角度论《荒野的 呼唤》和《雪虎》