wire rope

[waɪr rop][ˈwaiə rəup]


  • Wire rope grips hold the strings so that the weight nearly touches the ground .

    GB/T5976-1986 钢丝 手握住绳子,让重物几乎接触地面。

  • Discussion on Lifting Height and Lifting Load of Wire Rope Used in Single-rope Hoist

    单绳提升机用 钢丝 的提升高度与提升载荷探讨

  • Wire rope hoist system is an important component of the system is to upgrade the relatively weak key link ;

    钢丝 是绞车提升系统的重要组成部分,也是提升系统较为薄弱的关键环节;

  • Abstract : This paper puts forward the method to solve the problem of wire rope connection .

    文摘:针对 钢丝 插接存在问题提出解决措施。

  • Effect of steel pulley hardness on fatigue life of 6 × 19W + IWR steel wire rope

    钢质滑轮硬度对6×19W+IWR 钢丝 疲劳寿命的影响

  • The holding rope part comprises a support pressing wheel a wire and a tensioning wire rope .

    所述托绳部分包括托压轮、钢丝绳和张紧 钢丝

  • Wire rope for shipping and fishery

    航海和渔业 钢丝

  • The Study and Analysis on Broken Wires ' Magnetic Figures of the Steel Wire Rope of Weak Magnetism

    基于弱磁的 钢丝 断丝检测磁特性研究分析

  • Replacing Wire Rope Method of Friction Hoist

    摩擦式提升机更换提升 钢丝 的方法

  • In the structure design such reasonable lever connecting system is chosen that the traction force is relatively small the wear of the wire rope is small as well resulting in high reliability of the machine .

    结构设计中选择了合理的杠杆连动系统,手扳力小,对 钢丝 磨损亦小,提高了整机的可靠性。

  • Research on Alarm System for On-line and Uninterrupted Wire Rope Detection

    钢丝 在线不间断检测报警系统研究

  • A wrecking car of local traffic police arrived later tried to pull out the truck through steel wire rope .

    交警部门的救援车停在货车后面,两辆车由两 钢丝 一起

  • It consists of motor drive mechanism and the drum or sprocket composition divided into two types of wire rope and chain .

    它由电动机、传动机构和卷筒或链轮组成,分为 钢丝 和环链两种。

  • The Study on Stress Balance Analysis and Twisting Quality of Triangle Strand Wire Rope

    三角股 钢丝 应力平衡分析及提高捻制质量的研究

  • The problems existing in stranding die post-deformation device and sizing apparatus in producing wire rope are analyzed .

    对生产 钢丝 压线瓦、后变形器及定径装置在使用中存在的问题进行分析。

  • Research on Weak Magnetism Non-destructive Detection Technology of Wire Rope Failure

    钢丝 故障的弱磁无损检测技术研究

  • The structural elongation characteristic of wire rope has been analyzed .

    主要分析研究了 钢丝 的结构性伸长特性及影响因素。

  • To give out definition and covering scope of wire rope for assistant work in coal production .

    给出煤炭生产中辅助作业 钢丝 的定义及其涵盖范围。

  • Production of triangle strand wire rope and its technology development new characteristic

    三角股 钢丝 生产和技术发展新特点

  • A balance device is added for the wire rope to make two wire ropes equal .

    对烧结机尾部移动架平衡装置加以改进,把原链条改为 钢丝

  • Dynamics-based testing method of wire rope 's broken wires

    基于动力学的 钢丝 断丝数检测方法初探

  • For the production of cleaning products or wires cables wire rope yarn .

    用于制作清洁用品或电线、电缆、 钢丝 芯纱。

  • Last an analysis and introduction is made for variety of the steel wire rope pre-pull machines .

    对不同成分的不锈钢 进行海水全浸试验,对耐腐蚀性能进行分析和讨论。

  • Design and Application of New Power-Driven Wire Rope Inspection Machine

    一种新型电动 钢丝 检查机的设计与应用

  • Effective measure solving the problem on decrease of rope is to use the steel wire rope with metal core .

    解决 钢丝直径减小的有效措施是使用钢芯 钢丝

  • Pillar jib cranes to use more electric chain hoist hoisting mechanism and operating as a body less use of wire rope electric hoist and chain hoist .

    柱式悬臂起重机多采用环链电动葫芦作为起升机构和运行机构,较少采用 钢丝 电动葫芦和手拉葫芦。