wire communication line

[waɪr kəˌmjunɪˈkeʃən laɪn][ˈwaiə kəˌmju:niˈkeiʃən lain]


  • The way of data transmission is adopted by combining wire communication with wireless communication UHF / VHF wireless network in whole and power line communication and serial communication in part .

    系统采用无线通信与 有线 通信相结合的方式,即总体采用UHF/VHF无线网,局部采用电力 载波和串行通信传输。

  • Composite ground wire with optic fiber ( OPGW ) supports both power transmission and data communication and makes the use of real estate and line facilities more effectively .

    OPGW具备输电和数据 通信双重功能,能更有效地利用现有的电力资产和 线路设施。