Wood crown

[wʊd kraʊn][wud kraun]

[医] 衬铂瓷套冠

  • If that cow kylie wood is gonna walk off with my crown I have to see it .

    如果那个 肥壮的母牛偷走了我的 皇冠,我只能看着了。

  • Pure forests in Cotinus armandi not only had heavy density but also had greatly serious deadwood and aging phenomenon . The mean density of total investigated forest patches was 2550 stand wood per hectare while the average live crown ration was slightly higher than 60 % .

    黄栌林密度大,枯枝、老化现象特别严重,调查林分中平均密度为每公顷2550株,活 率平均值略高于60%,精细 管护与透光充足对黄栌叶片质量影响显著。

  • Trees within the plot wood seized feet to calculate the intensity of thinning the DBH tree height crown width individual volume and the volume .

    对样地内的乔木每 检尺,计算出各强度间伐林分的胸径、树高、 冠幅、单株材积和蓄积量。