win free

[wɪn fri][win fri:]


  • Would win those moms over via free fast shipping and high-touch customer service .

    而通过 免费、快速的送货服务和高度个性化的客户服务, Diapers.com能够争取到足够多的客户。

  • The Spaniards win a free kick on the right wing for a Stankovic foul on Curro torres .

    西班牙人 赢得了一个右侧的任意球,由于 德扬对托雷斯犯规。

  • And win a free trip to the Hawaiian islands .

    赢得 免费夏威夷之旅。

  • Welcome to the winner 's pool where you can win cash and prizes every week and it 's completely free to enter .

    欢迎您到冠军的训练池,你可以 赢得奖金及奖品,每星期和它的完全可 自由进入。

  • The writers believe that in reality the love of civilization will eventually win because society is vital to individuals and no one can be free its domination ;

    两位作家一致认为:现实中,文明之爱将最终 获胜,因为社会对个人具有决定作用,没有人能够 脱离社会的束缚;

  • Effects of WIN 55 on Intracellular Free Calcium Concentration in Cultured Rat Trigeminal Ganglion Neurons

    WIN55212-2对培养的大鼠三叉神经节神经元胞内 游离钙离子浓度的影响

  • To win their minorities over state companies gifted investors free bonus shares and in some cases free warrants as well .

    为了 争取小股东的支持,国有上市公司 免费向他们派发红股,某些情况下还免费派送权证。

  • It is easier to win at chess if you are free at your pleasure to change the wholly arbitrary rules but the fun is in winning within the rules .

    如果你 随心所欲、心血来潮地去更改那些全然武断的游戏规则,这样去 棋当然会更加容易。但下棋的情趣则在于,应在规则的限定范围内赢取胜利。

  • Each pavilion patron will have a chance to win a free flight in the vertical wind tunnel .

    每位参观游客都有机会 免费体验垂直 风洞

  • Win the biggest stage show Walking with Dinosaurs ticket free !

    还有 机会 成为史上最大的恐龙现场演出 免费门票的 获得者!

  • China wants its scientists to win Nobels and pours money into key research programs in pursuit of the prize but first of all it should create a fair and free environment for researchers to work without bureaucratic interruption or utilitarian considerations .

    中国希望其科学家 赢得诺贝尔奖,为追逐这个奖而将资金注入到关键研究项目中,但首先它应该为研究者创建一个没有官僚阻碍或功利性考量的公平 自由的环境。

  • Liu said that the girls presented the bikini show as part of a child model competition in which the winners could win free trips to Hong Kong and Macau .

    刘说女孩们展示比基尼秀是作为儿童模特大赛的一部分,获胜者可以 赢得 免费的港澳游机会。

  • Win one year of Anti-Malware for free !

    赢得一年的反恶意软件为每月一次 免费的!

  • Children play exciting games to win the tasty snacks for free .

    孩子们可以参加激动人心的游戏, 获胜 免费享用这些美味。

  • You could win the following template for free if you order our .

    您将有 机会 免费 得到以下的网页模板。

  • Participate in this chat session and get details on how to win a free one-on-one45-minute counseling with the Professor worth USD50 ! Sign up here now !

    立刻报名参与我们的活动,了解如何 获得“与教授一对一的45分钟 免费咨询”的机会!

  • As economic crisis goes on more and more agencies have to try to win new clients by provide them creatives for free .

    随着经济危机的继续,越来越多的新客户要靠 免费提供创意才能 争取

  • This year Argos is inviting kids to enter the Argos Toy Tester competition for a chance to win free toys for a year .

    今年Argos是邀请孩子进入阿尔戈斯的玩具有机会 赢取一年 免费玩具测试仪的竞争。

  • As well as the tickets participants had the chance to win other prizes including free places on executive education programmes and signed basketballs by carrying out a variety of tasks .

    通过执行各种不同的任务,除门票之外,参与者还有机会 赢得其他奖品,比如 免费的管理培训课程和签名篮球。

  • The initiative control is important to win a victory in the free fighting competition .

    散打比赛中主动权的控制对 取得 比赛的胜利至关重要。

  • The government installed within 48 hours of Sunday 's win is expected to pursue social welfare policies such as handing out free electricity and food stamps to the poor and cutting heating oil prices alongside a crackdown on tax evasion .

    政府在周日 获胜的48小时内组建完毕,预计会加强社会福利,比如发放 免费电力和食品券给穷人还有削减取暖燃油的价格,同时打击逃税行为。

  • That is100 opportunities a minute to win loyal readers and generate revenue & for free .

    这相当于每分钟 免费获得10万个 获得忠诚读者并带来收入的机会。