


  • So if it was first time wilful no.

    所以,如果这是第一次 无意的,不是。

  • His wilful hands and feet began to beat and churn about spasmodically and feebly .


  • You wilful girl ! scolded her mother indulgently .

    “你这个 任性的姑娘!”她的母亲带着宽容的心情申斥道。

  • To such perseverance in wilful self-deception Elizabeth would make no reply and immediately and in silence withdrew ;

    再三要 存心自欺欺人,伊丽莎白可懒得再去理他,马上不声不响地走开了。

  • He pleaded guilty to wilful dereliction of duty .

    他承认犯有 玩忽职守罪。

  • No one can manage him when he starts being wilful .


  • Sadly there are those who either through ignorance of the facts or wilful foolishness deny that God exists and therefore did not create the heavens and earth and mankind upon the earth .

    否认神的存在是愚蠢的行为有一些人,不论他们是出于 刚愎的愚蠢或是忽略了这些事实,他们否认神的存在,否认神创造了天和地,创造了人类。

  • There is another form of wilful obscurity that masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness .

    还有一种 故意造成的含糊其词,用以掩盖其贵族老爷式的孤傲态度。

  • I realised that you were from a wealthy family but definitely not a wilful girl .

    我意识到你来自一个富裕的家庭但是并不是一个不 相处的女孩。

  • Such wilful blindness makes me worry what catastrophes we are now cultivating for the years ahead .

    这种 视而不见 行为让我担心,今后我们将孕育出什么样的灾难。

  • The court in Beijing condemned the man of wilful and malicious injury .

    北京朝阳 法院对此 故意伤害 定性

  • The present crisis is the result of years of wilful neglect by the council .

    目前的危机是由 政府委员会多年以来 故意玩忽职守 造成的。

  • When the thought that this could be a result of somebody 's wilful actions crossed my mind for the first time on the afternoon of November 25 I started thinking about who could have orchestrated it .

    11月25日下午,我首次想到,这可能是某人的 故意 行为造成的后果。当这种想法从脑海中 过时,我开始考虑可能的策划人。

  • This wilful teenager refused to listen to his parents .

    这位 小伙子 故意不听父母的话。

  • He 's bad-tempered and wilful .

    他脾气很坏,而且 蛮不讲理

  • A number of considerations have led her to have a wilful abortion .

    多种考虑使她 执意堕胎。

  • I see nothing in it but your own wilful ignorance and the malice of Mr. Darcy .

    你这种攻击,倒叫我看穿了你自己的 顽固无知和达西先生的阴险。

  • This might explain their apparently wilful oversight of an important event in Chinese history .

    这或许可以解释他们 何以对中国历史上的一件大事, 视若无睹

  • They hesitate before accepting an invitation to serve knowing that one might face personal bankruptcy or prosecution – even if the acts were not wilful criminality but just negligence .

    在接受任职邀请前,他们会犹豫,他们知道,可能会面临个人破产或起诉,即便他们的行为并非 故意犯罪,而只是疏忽大意。

  • He later accused reporters of wilful distortion and bias .

    他后来指责记者 有意歪曲事实并带有偏见。

  • Wilful neglect of our manufacturing industry has caused this problem


  • She is a wilful girl .

    她是一个 执拗的姑娘。

  • Don 't be wilful as children .

    别像孩子一样 任性

  • They eat too many sweets and fried foods in wilful disregard of their health .

    他们很 任性,无视自己的健康,吃了太多的甜食与油煎食物。

  • Howsoever caused except in the case of Gross Negligence or Wilful Misconduct of any of the other Parties .

    无论怎样,引起的除非严重疏忽或 故意不当行为的任何其他缔约方的情况下。

  • So the emergence of parliamentary-style parties in America is a formula for wilful obstruction and gridlock .

    所以美国出现了这种议会制形态的政党,下场就只能是“ 蓄意阻挠”和僵局。

  • A jury found the airline guilty of wilful misconduct because its lax security allowed a suitcase bomb on to the plane .

    航空公司安保措施漏洞百出,致使一颗放在手提箱里的炸弹被带上了飞机,陪审团因此认定其存在 故意不当行为。

  • The universe is a society of wilful personalities not an irrefragable chain of cause and effect .

    宇宙是一个各种固执的个体的社会,而不是原因和结果之间 无懈可击的链条。

  • If one gives to a child a toy too wonderful for its little mind or too beautiful for its but half-awakened eyes it breaks the toy if it is wilful ;

    如果把一件玩具给一个小孩,这玩具对那颗小小的心来说太过美妙了,对那双懵懵懂懂的眼睛来说太过美丽了,要是小孩 任性,就把玩具摔了;

  • Members shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied at least in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale .

    各成员应规定至少将适用于具有商业规模的 蓄意假冒商标或盗版案件的刑事程序和处罚。