switching curve


  • Based on minimal fuel principle the switching curve of ignition is confirmed by using optimization theory and a braking scheme is designed for the process of the lunar probe vertical soft landing .

    针对月球探测器垂直软着陆过程,基于耗燃最优的原则,利用最优化理论确定了点火 切换 曲线.设计出一种制动方案。

  • Normal bogies of trunk locomotives are not fitted to the switching services on the curve line with small radii .

    常规的干线机车转向架不适应小半径 曲线上的 调车作业,随着机车轴重的增加,这一问题将更加突出。

  • At the same time the value of the compensating capacitance the switching threshold and the character curve of the motor are calculated .

    同时计算了补偿电容值、 切换阈值以及电动机的特性 曲线

  • A time optimal control method switched by time is put forward in the paper based on the concept of subspace of the initial state space . It doesn ′ t need switching curve or switching surface .

    基于初始状态空间下的子空间概念,提出一种按时间进行切换的最速控制方法,不需要 开关 线或开关面。

  • Online Calculation of Optimal PWM Switching Angles based on Curve Fitting Technique

    基于 曲线拟合技术的最优PWM 开关角在线计算

  • This paper using the minimum principle discusses the control curve and switching curve under the optimal time control of the double integrating system . It emphasizes the derivation to calculate the optimal time control of the double integrating system .

    本文讨论了利用极小值原理设计的双积分系统的时间最优控制的控制曲线和 开关 曲线,着重讨论了该系统在最优控制下最优时间的计算方法的推导过程。

  • The modeling of switching GaAs PHEMT was introduced and the modeling method by using the microwave circuit design software named ADS was discussed and the model parameters and the curve of both simulated and measured results were presented .

    论述了GaAsPHEMT 开关器件的建模,介绍了利用微波电路设计软件ADS建立GaAsPHEMT 开关模型的方法,给出了模型模拟与器件测量的 曲线和模型参数。