


  • When the television conveys information to the audience at the same time symbolical violence is influencing subtly .

    在电视媒介向受众传播信息的同时, 其中 包含 符号暴力也在潜移默化中发生作用。

  • This article does my best to reveal the symbolical significance in Durkheim 's sociological thoughts and the influence on the development of the Cultural Sociology through comprehensive understanding his cultural sociological thoughts .

    本文力 通过对迪尔凯姆文化社会学思想的全面认识和理解,揭示其社会学思想中 蕴含 象征意义以及对文化社会学学科发展的影响。

  • The Main Traits of Graphical and Symbolical New Standard for Electronic Circuital Elements

    电子电路元件图形 符号新标准

  • The Tool Value Analysis of the Political Symbolical Sign

    政治 象征符号的工具价值分析

  • To me the flowers became symbolical of a great release of a wonderful awakening .

    对我说来,这些花卉 象征着一次极大的解脱,一次奇妙的觉醒。

  • Under his influence post-modernism evolves from such multi-principles as elegance romantics adornment entertainment superficies historical eclecticism to the appearance of new buildings designed by such symbolical skills and techniques as diverse historical and literary symbols .

    在他的感召下,后现代主义设计典雅、浪漫、装饰、娱乐、浅薄、享乐、历史折衷的多原理念逐渐成型,采用多元、历史、文脉符号的 象征 手法来表达的新建筑也相继 落成

  • The fourth chapter deals with the symbolical meaning of the structure .

    第四章中分析了这种结构所包含的 象征意义。

  • Each coin would symbolical feed a child .

    各枚硬币会 象征 饲料孩子。

  • The paper illustrates the usages of the metaphorical and symbolical meanings of nouns idioms and phrases about some . animals in Chinese and English languages .

    阐述了汉英语言中含有比喻意义、 象征意义的动物名词、习语、短语的用法。

  • This paper introduced the main traits and relative contents of graphical and symbolical new standards for electronic circuital elements & IEC617 / GB4728 It also compares the new standards with the old ones by using practical examples .

    介绍了电子电路元件图形 符号新标准&IEC617/GB/T4728的主要特点及有关内容,并以部分实例对新、旧标准做了比较。

  • Nevertheless in Chinese vocabulary onomatopoeia not only have external evidence of language but also have internal evidence such as vocal symbolical 、 morphological 、 semantic and character-making evidence so it should be one organic part of language system .

    然而,在汉语词汇中,象声词不仅具有语言的外部理据,而且还具有声音 象征、形态、语义、造字等内部理据性,应是人类语言系统的有机组成部分。

  • In the first stage the symbolic forms of equations of motion and the Jacobian matrix are generated by symbolical computations where the flexible systems are formulated by Kane 's method with geometrical nonlinearity being considered .

    第一部分,运动方程的符号形式和雅可比矩阵都是由 符号计算法生成的。其中,柔性系统的方程是由应用非线性几何的Kane氏方法列出的。

  • The Value Orientation of the Chinese Symbolical Poetry

    中国 象征 诗的价值取向

  • Research on the WTO and the Protection for China 's Geographical Symbolical Products

    WTO与我国地理 标志产品保护之探讨

  • In the history of Chinese literature the period of symbolical thought of literary and artistic theory has not been recognized .

    在中国文学史上, 象征 文学艺术观一直未被确认。

  • The tool value of symbolical signs to the political practice is embodied mainly during the process of reaching its functions of political recognition communicating establishing the authority legalizing decision-making and socializing politics its center goal is building and constructing the power structure and authoritative order .


  • This characteristic of the narrative structure of Silas Marner has some special symbolical meaning mainly reflected in three aspects .

    《织工马南传》叙事结构中的这种特点表现出独特的 象征意义,主要包括三个方面。

  • The Meanings of Text A Brief Discussion An the Symbolical Meanings of English and Tibetan Letters

    论文本的意义试论英语、藏语字母的 表征意义

  • From the perspective of semiotics re-survey the action of animation character the research seeks the new ideas for the design of the action of animation character by researching the symbolical text of the action language of animation character systematically which has been based on semiotic .

    论文从符号学的视角重新审视动画角色的运动,从语言学层面,通过系统研究动画角色运动语言的 符号文本,寻求动画角色运动设计的新思路。

  • Symbolical forms of scientific style and humanistic style

    科学思想与人文 评价 符号形式

  • Liang Zongdai created the theory of Symbolical Lingjing by connecting symbol with supernatural realm .

    梁宗岱将象征与意境相结合,创造了“ 象征底灵境”这一意境理论。

  • The thesis focuses on the origin development and influence of the Confucius ' school symbolism thought of literary and artistic theory and prove that symbolical thought of literary and artistic theory has exactly existed in the history of Chinese literature .

    本文试图通过论述先秦儒家象征文艺观的起源、发生、发展及对后代文学的影响来说明: 象征文学艺术观在中国文学史上确实存在。

  • Li Jinfa has been a pioneer in modern symbolical poetry in China .

    李金发是中国现代 诗坛上独树一帜的 象征 诗歌的创始者。

  • The power of the monarchy In britain today be more symbolical than real

    今日英国君主的权力多为 的, 甚实际 意义

  • The material goods in the shopping mall seems to be a kind of cultural products moreover the shopping mall itself become a symbolical space .

    在购物中心里,物质商品已俨然成为一种文化商品,而购物中心本身也成为一种 符号 的空间。

  • Here the first to be discussed is the relativity of literature . Symbolical exchange constantly happens between literature - a branch of noosphere ( e.g. politics ideology economy culture society ) and its environment .

    文学是处于它的环境之中的,文学是人类精神家族(如政治、意识形态、经济、文化、社会等)中的一个分支。它与环境之间不断地进行 符号 的交换。

  • As an allegory the works may be understood in three aspects : from the whole intention of the works the book may be read as a symbolical expression about the fate of Chinese traditional culture ;

    这部寓言可在这样三个层面来解读:从作品的整体意向来看,该作品可解读为关于传统文化之命运问题的 象征 表达;

  • Each poem can be explained at various levels from differentperspectives-allegorical symbolical and others .

    每一首诗都可以从不同的角度如寓意、 象征等进行鉴赏。

  • Centeral Street is a symbolical street in Harbin which has many functions highlighting commercial cultural tourist and public activities .

    哈尔滨中央大街是一条 商业、文化、旅游、社会公众活动等多种功能于 一体 标志 街道。

  • In the thesis some aspect on the evolution and generation of the wave in flow and even stratified flow on several kinds of uneven bottom are investigated by the method of combination of the theoretical analysis symbolical computation and numerical simulation .

    论文采用理论分析、 符号运算和数值模拟相结合的方法,针对 单层流体及分层流体,研究了非平整底部上 非线性水波的生成及演化规律。