


  • Tattooing of the body was traditionally used to symbolise ones family lineage and today this art form is again becoming popular .

    纹身被用来 表明家庭世系,如今又重新风行起来。很多岛民会把他们的亲戚埋葬在庭院里。

  • In Christian art the dove was used to symbolise the Holy Ghost and was often painted above Christ 's head .

    在基督教的艺术中,鸽子常常作为圣灵的 标志被画在基督的头顶上方。

  • So the museum 's first room A Hall in 1630 is decorated with evergreens ( a pagan symbol of hope and fertility that early Christians adoped to symbolise everlasting life ) .

    因此,博物馆的第一个房间,1630年的大厅,用常青树装饰(早期基督徒采用这一异教徒的希望与多产符号 象征永生)。

  • It could be argued that no other film actor has ever come to symbolise so many things : rugged masculinity the frontier even America itself .

    可以说,像他 那样 多重 象征 意义的电影演员没有几个:他 代表粗犷的男子气概、边境地带,甚至美国本身。

  • On the final day of the New Year families gather to make round dumplings shaped like the full moon to symbolise family reunion and perfection .

    在新年的最后一天,全家人聚在一起包饺子,饺子形状似满月, 寓意全家 团圆美满

  • I use my office to symbolise what our business is all about which is building people capability he says . Our formula for success is you build up people capability you do that first .

    我用我的办公室来 象征我们企业的 宗旨,那就是提高人们的能力,他表示,我们成功的秘诀是提高人们的能力,这是首先要做到的。

  • In the Middle Ages men wore them to symbolise their courage and virility .

    中世纪,男人们佩戴 钻石作为勇敢和刚强的 象征

  • MEANING : Homes in dreams symbolise ourselves and different rooms are aspects of our character .

    解梦:梦中的自己家 象征 我们自身,不同的房门 代表了我们性格的不同侧面。

  • In Hinduism the patterns of the peacocks feathers resembling eyes symbolise And stars .

    在印度教中, 孔雀羽毛上像眼睛的图案 代表星星。

  • The company has instead come to symbolise the risks shareholders face when they invest in emerging-market entities even when they come with a London seal of approval .

    相反,该公司 体现股东在投资新兴市场实体时面临的风险,即使在伦敦上市 也是 如此

  • Some believe that : It can convey warmth assurance stimulate the appetite symbolise health stimulates the mind and provides emotional lift .

    有的认为:它可以传达温馨、保证、刺激食欲, 象征健康,激发思想、情感提供电梯。

  • The motif shows a child confined to bed but surrounded by teddies which symbolise security warmth and care .

    本主题显示卧床的孩子,而是由泰迪熊, 象征安全,温暖和关怀所包围。

  • The church 's bird-like features are used as a compass to direct sea workers - its wings represent East and West while its beak and tail symbolise North and South .

    教堂的鸟类外形也是海上工人们的指南针:翅膀代表东西方向,喙和尾巴 象征 南北方向。

  • The freeing of trade and capital flows and the deregulation of domestic industry and finance have both spurred globalisation and come to symbolise it .

    开放贸易及资本的流动、放松对国内产业和金融管制不仅促进了同时 标志 全球化。

  • The gas flares symbolise the start of a process of transforming a dangerous and carbon-heavy byproduct of the mining industry .

    瓦斯火焰 象征 改变煤矿行业危险的重碳副产品过程的开始。

  • The spectacular implosion of Long Term Capital Management in 1998 has come to symbolise the perils of excessive speculation .

    长期资本管理公司在1998年轰然内部崩溃,已经成为过度投机危险的 象征

  • He is adorned with five feathers on the head which symbolise the five paths of the boddhisattva and the attainment of the five Buddha families .

    它头上的五根羽毛 象征 菩萨五道和禅宗五家的造诣。

  • Decoding the paintings is not difficult once you know what the component parts symbolise .

    一旦了解各组成部分 象征什么,理解这幅画就不难了。

  • Few things symbolise the assertiveness of the Putin Era like well Vladimir Putin .

    没有什么 能够像普京 本人 那样 象征普京时代的强悍 作风了。

  • For China and others a negative ruling on reserve currency status could symbolise their concerns that the IMF remains an institution run by and for the benefit of advanced economies .

    对中国和其他国家来说,IMF不认可人民币储备货币地位将 凸显它们的担忧,即IMF仍是一个由发达经济体管理并为其利益服务的机构。

  • You would lose your angel wings which symbolise freedom from time and space freedom from birth and death freedom from fear and illusion .

    你将失去你的天使之翼,那 代表 自由的 来往于时间与空间之间,不受生与死的 轮回限制,不受恐惧与幻象的限制。

  • Instead the salary rises in Guangdong this week symbolise a broader shift in favour of labour that has accelerated in recent months and is likely to carry on for several years .

    与此相反的是,本周发生在广东省的 加薪 消息,在最近数月加速了(整体格局)向有利于工人一方的转变,并且极有可能持续数年时间。

  • The blue boxes symbolise mark-up provided by the padding bytes specified on the FileOutput node 's properties .

    绿色框 表示由FileOutput节点的属性指定的填充字节提供的标记。

  • ' The good news is there are many dimensions that symbolise power for men said couples therapist Susan Heitler .

    好消息是,男性可以在很多方面中显示出自己的力量,感情心理分析师Susan Heitler如是说。

  • On her second birthday ( which she spent in the orphanage ) the Stricklands posed for a family portrait each clutching a donut to symbolise their bond with the baby .

    她在孤儿院过2岁生日的当天,斯特里克兰家照了张全家福,每人手里都抓着个甜甜圈, 象征他们与甜甜圈宝宝的亲情关系。

  • Painted tattoos symbolise hardship and tears of joy while banana seed beads count how long the men were away .

    彩绘的纹身 象征 苦难与喜悦的泪水,而用香蕉种子作成珠子的数目, 代表 男人远征到多远的地方。

  • This can symbolise a feeling of being trapped & or the desire to entice someone into a particular relationship or situation .

    蜘蛛 说明了一种被 困住的状态,或是想引诱别人进入一种状态或关系的愿望。

  • The domestic pig might well symbolise prosperity to man so closely knit and tied together were their lives .

    猪给人以一种生活富足的 感觉,因此有人 认为人与猪合在一起就 构成衣食无忧的生活。