


  • Inspecting the hard case from the angle of fact and the standard we divide the hard case into three kinds : unclear fact case unclear standard case useless of syllogism case .

    从事实与规范的角度来检视疑难案件,疑难案件可以分为三类:事实真伪不明型 疑难案件、规范不清型 疑难案件、 三段论不能型 疑难案件。

  • The major and minor premises of syllogism have only one dimension named true value but those of the judicial syllogism have two dimensions called true value and value .


  • In judicial syllogism the significance of logic-judgment is : to embody the philosophy of governing by law ;

    逻辑判断在司法 三段论中的意义是:体现现代法治理念;

  • On Syllogism in Conviction and Tts Function in the Lawcourt Trial

    论定罪 三段论及其在法庭审判中的作用

  • As he puts it there 's a famous syllogism that people learn in their logic classes from Aristotle .

    他的说法是,人们在亚里士多德的,逻辑课堂上学到一个著名的 推论

  • Such a feeble exemplification of the syllogism may be seen in the magnet .

    自然在推论上的 软弱无力,可以用磁力的例子来证明。

  • Should Dilemma Observe the Rules of Disjunctive Syllogism ;

    二难 推理需要遵守 选言 推理的规则吗?

  • The major term of a syllogism must occur twice .

    演绎 的主要术语必须出现两次。

  • The theory of syllogism 's grid and style should be simplified and modified

    浅议 三段论格与式的理论应当加以简化和改造

  • The major premise of syllogism is of universal inevitability while that of the judicial syllogism has probability .


  • According to the basic formula of his system the negation of the negation Hegel develops the essence in syllogism : theme antitheses synthesis . First the essence itself .

    黑格尔按照他的体系的基本公式“否定之否定”,把本质的发展也安排成正、反、合的 :第一、本质自身。

  • Q This is a disjunctive syllogism . P or Q not P therefore Q.

    这个是析取 三段论,P或者Q,不是P所以。

  • The proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises in a syllogism .

    三段论中必须从主前题和次前题得出的 结论

  • The practical syllogism may supplement the divine promises .

    实用的 合作 ,会对神的应许 有所 加添

  • Therefore the judicial syllogism can not be handled mechanically in the way of syllogism and the application of the judicial syllogism sets a high demand for the judicial capacity of the judge .

    因此,司法 三段论不可能 三段论 那样机械地操作,司法三段论的适用对法官的司法能力提出很高的要求。

  • This kind of middle term gives us the syllogism of reflection .

    这种的 中项 便发展出反思的 推论

  • In this paper the method of syllogism is used to discuss the marginalistic value for monotonic set games with restricted coalitions which is the extension of the classical one and is also proved .

    采用 演绎 推理的分析方法,讨论了带限制结盟的单调集对策的边缘值,该值是对经典集对策边缘值的一种推广,证明了带限制结盟单调集对策边缘值的一些性质。

  • Comparative research on Mohist and Aristotelian referential theory of meaning announces that the word research of Aristotelian mainly involved the words of superordinate concept and subordinate concept which is the foundation of forming syllogism ;

    通过对墨家与亚里士多德指称论思想的比较研究,揭示出亚里士多德对语词的研究主要涉及的是上下义关系的词,这正是建立 三段论的基础;

  • This paper analyzes Aristotelian Syllogism discusses the deference between Aristotelian Syllogism and traditional logic syllogism and several characteristics of Aristotelian Syllogism .

    分析了亚里士多德 三段论,论述了亚里士多德三段论与传统逻辑三段论的区别及其自身的一些特点。

  • In every syllogism there are two statements ( premises ) from which a conclusion follows necessarily .

    在每一个 三段论,有两个报表(处所),从其中一个结论如下未必。

  • Okay one last one here 's syllogism .

    好,最后一个,这是 三段论

  • He invented the theory of the syllogism a form of argument in which a conclusion is inferred from two propositions or premises .

    他提出了 三段论,根据两个假设或前提推断出一个结论。

  • The philosophy of Aristotle that elaborates the fundamental principles of the syllogism .

    亚里斯多德详细阐述 演绎 的哲学。

  • The term in a syllogism that is common to both premises and excluded from the conclusion .

    三段论 中既是结论的前提又排斥结论的术语。

  • The unexpected bursts forth from the syllogism .

    三段论 岔子

  • The premise of a syllogism that contains the major term ( which is the predicate of the conclusion ) .

    含有大项(即结论的谓项)的 三段论的前提。

  • If the negation of negation is sieved as a baseline and moderated and symbolized the model of syllogism in the process of the negation of negation will be expressed as a periodic link .

    如果把否定之否定规律作为出发点并进行适度抽象而予以形式化,那么, 否定之否定过程的“ ”模式就表现为一个以环节为其结构成分的周期链。

  • Rule governing the quantity aspect of categorical syllogism


  • The minor premise in a syllogism .
