symbol computer design

[ˈsɪmbəl kəmˈpjutɚ dɪˈzaɪn][ˈsimbəl kəmˈpju:tə diˈzain]

[计] 符号计算机设计

  • The extensible schemes based on symbol representation are much useful in computer animation and industrial prototype design application .

    由于该方法基于 符号表示,因此易于实现与扩展,适合于 计算机动画造型和工业原型 设计

  • By setting up a hierarchical mechanism motion model for conceptual design through the formal description of function symbol we provide a solid support to the computer aided conceptual motion design .

    通过功能 符号形式化描述建立分层次的机构概念运动模型,实现对 计算机辅助概念运动 设计的支持。

  • This method put forward in this paper lays the foundation for embodying symbol scheme into three-dimensional entity at the same time it also makes condition for computer aided conceptual design of complex mechanical system based on basic mechanisms .

    符号方案的自动识别为 符号方案三维实体化打下了基础,同时也为基于基本机构的复杂机械系统的 计算机辅助概念 设计创造了条件。