

vt.& vi.冲洗猛喝大口喝(使)液体流动


  • A factory manager in eastern China has been arrested for using grease from swill sewage pesticides and recycled industrial oil to make lard for human consumption the state news media said Monday .

    中国国家新闻媒体周一透露,在东部地区一家工厂的经理被逮捕, 原因是从 泔水,下水道污水,杀虫剂和再生工业用油中提取油脂生产食用猪油。

  • Study on the Process of Swill Oil Transformed into Biodiesel Catalyzed by Enzyme

    酶催化 泔水油转化生物柴油工艺的研究

  • Study on the Conditions of Swill Oil Produced Biodiesel by Enzymatic

    酶促 泔水油生产生物柴油条件的研究

  • Swill the bucket out when you 've finished with if .

    你用完这个桶后 冲洗 出来

  • She swilled the whisky around in her glass .


  • Study on Wet Single-phase Anaerobic Digestion Technology for Swill

    泔水 垃圾单相湿法厌氧发酵技术研究

  • Study of Anaerobic Digestion Treatment Technology for Food Waste and Swill

    厌氧消化处理 餐厨垃圾的工艺研究

  • So it 's either really good or total swill .

    所以要么是味道不错,要么会 酩酊大醉

  • A crowd of men were standing around swilling beer .

    一群人正站在一起 痛饮啤酒。

  • I know what it 's like to have people tell me I can 't do something because of my color and I know the bitter swill of swallowed-back anger .

    警车无缘无故就让我把车停靠路边检查。我知道被告知因为肤色而不能作为时的感觉,我也清楚 怒火的 苦涩

  • To transformation of swill oil resources for the purpose biodiesel prepared with catalyst of neutral lipase by the reaction of swill oil and methanol .


  • What the fug is that swill ?

    这乌七八糟的是什么 玩意儿

  • He was on his way to the sty with a bucket of swill .

    他提了一桶 猪食向猪圈走去。

  • Gallons of sea water had rushed into the cabin and were now swilling about in the bilges

    大量海水冲入了船舱,正在 船底 来回 晃荡

  • If you swill enough liquidity around in your mouth you might get rid of the bad taste of insolvency .

    如果你 足够多的流动性,也许就不用品尝无力偿付的 苦果

  • Don 't forget to swill out the bottle before returning it to the milkman .

    把牛奶瓶交还给送牛奶人之前,别忘了要 里外冲洗干净。

  • And then that lemonade goes bitter and ferments and turns to pig swill .

    不过柠檬汁变得又苦又酸,变成了 猪食

  • Please swill out the dirty basin .

    这脏脸盆 一下

  • Give it a quick swill to get it clean .

    赶快把它 冲洗干净。

  • You fed them swill and such stuff ?

    肯定喂了它们 剩饭 残羹这类东西了吧?

  • The manufacturing methods conclude swill and centrifugal mode .

    轧辊的制造方法 冲洗 和离心法。

  • Bungle a step and it 's how do you say in English swill .

    贻误了一步,它的,你怎么说英语, 泔水

  • Initial research on management and disposal of restaurant and kitchen swill in Yinchuan city

    银川市 餐厨 垃圾管理和处置的初步研究

  • Having finished his coffee he swilled out the mug and left it on the draining board .

    喝完咖啡后,他 杯子然后把它放在滴水板上。

  • Don 't let those swill merchants rewrite you .

    别让那些 商界 小人 污染你。

  • It is a good vaccine particularly in pigs fed on swill .

    这是一种良好的疫苗,尤其对喂饲 残羹的猪。

  • Unshaven horsemen swill the great wines of the Chateaux ( W.H.Auden )

    满脸胡须的马夫们大口痛饮着上等葡萄酒( W.H.奥登)