swallow up

[ˈswɑlo ʌp][ˈswɔləu ʌp]


  • During the 1980s monster publishing houses started to swallow up smaller companies .

    20世纪80年代,一些出版巨头开始 吞并一些较小的公司。

  • First it 's really old past the Red Giant phase when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits .

    首先,它非常非常老了它经历过红巨星阶段,这一阶段的恒星会急剧膨胀, 吞噬在临近轨道运行的行星。

  • Will hell swallow you up ?

    你们会 地狱 吞噬

  • The words of a wise man 's mouth are gracious ; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself .

    传10:12智慧人的口、说出恩言.愚昧人的嘴、 吞灭自己。

  • Weeds had swallowed up the garden .

    花园 杂草丛生。

  • And find that the P2P platform which is constructed by using Agent can resolve some problems which are faced to P2P currently . Such as trash information swallow up the bandwidth of networks reducing the performances of computers and so on .

    本文通过对现有P2P系统进行深入细致的分析,发现使用Agent来构建P2P平台可以解决P2P系统当前所面临的一些问题,如垃圾信息、 吞噬网络带宽、影响用户计算机的性能等。

  • Which seemed to swallow up his sound advice .

    好像要一 吞下那些谆谆的 教训

  • Gigantic companies like Google swallow up smaller ones .

    像谷歌(Google)这样的巨无霸 吞噬小公司。

  • If you have three children their after-school activities alone could swallow up a quarter of the household budget .

    如果你有三个小孩,单单他们的课余培训活动就将 吞噬 家庭预算的四分之一。

  • The tear will eventually swallow up the entire galaxy possibly the universe .

    裂口会 吞噬整个星系,甚至是整个宇宙。

  • They did all possible means such as forged our signatures and so on even swallow up or depreciation the real estate that belong to us .

    比如伪造我们的签名等,把属于我们的不动产贬值 甚至 吞掉

  • A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of £ 50

    7天的电视广告宣传可能会 耗费约5万英镑。

  • The greed with which large companies swallow up their smaller competitors

    大公司为 吞并与之竞争的小公司而怀有的贪心

  • A method should be devised by which neither side would swallow up the other .

    要搞一个 不吃掉 、我也不 吃掉 的办法。

  • It is said that a black hole can swallow up all the objects around it such as stars .

    据说黑洞可以 其周围的一切物体,如星星 吞食

  • However neither should the mainland swallow up taiwan nor should Taiwan swallow up the mainland .

    但不是我 吃掉 ,也不是你吃掉我。

  • The expenses swallow up most of the profits .


  • The earth seemed to swallow them up .

    地球好像 他们 吞没

  • Farmers could see a quarter of their income swallowed up by the interest rate rise .

    农场主会发现由于利率的上涨,收入减少 1/4。

  • Lucas is a lucky man I keep telling this to Ella and swallow up the latter part of my speech .

    卢卡斯特别幸福,我总是这样对艾拉讲,然后生生 的后半截话。

  • When inequality of wealth once commences in a community not constantly engaged in repairing by industry the injuries of fortune its advances are gigantic ; the great masses of wealth swallow up the smaller .

    一个社会一旦开始有了财富的不平等,而又不靠发展产业 弥补对财富 造成的损失,这种不平等 就会愈来愈巨大, 吞并会愈演愈烈。

  • He headed back towards the flea market and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd

    他转身朝跳蚤市场走去,很快 淹没在人群中。

  • You little mouse you dare to wake me ? I 'll swallow you up !

    “你这只小老鼠,你敢叫醒我?我要 了你!”

  • I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in Israel : thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother in Israel : why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the LORD ?

    我们这城的人在以色列人中是和平,忠厚的。你为何要毁坏以色列中的大城, 吞灭耶和华的产业呢。

  • Why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves ?

    恶人 吞灭比自己公义的,你为何静默不语呢。

  • It 's interesting how this trap in which so many women are caught does not seem to swallow up men .

    有意思的是,在很多这样女人 陷落的陷阱中,男人似乎并不受其影响。

  • The Increase In travel cost swallow up our pay Increase

    旅行费用的增加 耗尽 我们的工资增长

  • There was no gaping dark hole that would swallow up bad people .

    根本没有张开的黑洞能 坏人 吞掉

  • This suggests that the δ′ phase particles are coarsened by licking up the transition interfacial layer before 16h reaging and swallow up each other after 16h reaging .

    表明δ′相粒子的长大首先是吞噬过渡界面层长大,然后是互相 吞并 长大