suzerain state

[ˈsuzərən stet][ˈsju:zərein steit]

[法] 宗主国

  • The Study on the Relationship between China and Korea as Suzerain and Vassal State during Qing Dynasty

    清代中朝 关系 嬗变研究

  • And modern immigrants have become force that cannot be neglected for a suzerain state .

    现代移民对 宗主 来说已经成为一支不可忽视的 建设力量。

  • As the colonial person living in suzerain state he isdiscriminated against consequently and became a marginal man ;

    作为生活于 宗主 的殖民地人,王尔德必然会受到排挤,成为“边缘人”。