sympathetic vibration

[ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk vaɪˈbreʃən][ˌsimpəˈθetik vaɪˈbreɪʃən]


  • Meanwhile the paper analyses the influence of vibration occurring in wheel sympathetic vibration and low temperature condition to noise .

    同时,分析了车轮 共振 振动和低温环境等因素对悬架系统中减振 噪声的影响。

  • To civil buildings damaged by vibration of tons of weight of mechanic construction we can take such measures as separating vibration and avoiding main vibration frequency according to the main frequency range of field and building so as to mitigate sympathetic vibration of building .

    对于大吨位机械施工造成民房振动破坏的,可采取隔震措施,并根据场地土及房屋的主频范围避开主振频率,以减轻房屋 共振

  • It is the gas that drives the exciter and accomplishes sympathetic vibration to make stickup layer break off then achieve the goal of clear for tramcar .

    以气体自激 振动原理,设计了一种激振器,利用气源驱动激 器使矿车达到 共振,从而使附着在矿车底部的黏底层自行脱落,达到清车的目的。

  • The mechanical and physical phenomenon that torsional vibration is general in mechanical system with rotary parts and studying characteristic of dynamic sympathetic vibration has important practical value and significance .

    扭转振动是具有旋转部件的机械系统普遍存在的力学物理现象,研究 振动特征具有重要的现实价值和现实意义。

  • According the principle of sympathetic vibration the new type brake hub fatigue testing device has the fatigue testing by the way of electromagnetic prompting .

    新型汽车刹车制动毂疲劳试验机采用电磁激励方式,应用 机械 系统 共振的原理进行刹车制动毂疲劳试验。

  • Brand building and sympathetic vibration of culture

    文化 共振与品牌建设

  • Anlysis of Sympathetic Vibration and Model State for Cam set Based on ANSYS

    基于ANSYS的凸轮 机构 振动模态分析

  • It can avoid the region of sympathetic vibration effectively .

    主轴工作 转速 远离临界 转速,能有效避开 共振区。

  • Based on the research hereinbefore the new model in order to control vibration source and prevent sympathetic vibration has been established and used in the rolling .

    基于以上研究,建立了控制振动源和 振动源发生后控制机架 共振发生和加剧的控制模型,并投入实际使用。

  • To grasp the stress and displacement distribution of the cutter to avoid the happening of sympathetic vibration carrying out modality analysis and dynamic design to the cutter are very important .

    为了掌握采煤机截齿工作时应力、位移的分布情况,避免 共振 现象的发生,对它进行模态分析和动态设计具有重要意义。

  • The sympathetic vibration of a circuit to a signal .

    一个电路对某一个信号 共鸣 振荡

  • When the frequency of the blade is close to that produced by the water the sympathetic vibration will be generated .

    此外耦合器的叶片受到水流的 冲击时,会产生 振动,当叶片的固有频率和水流 冲击产的频率相接近时,会发生 共振

  • We get the dynamical response curve of the diesel surface and find out the sympathetic vibration frequency ; Meanwhile we get the vibration velocity distributions of the diesel surface and predict the main noise source and measures for vibration and noise reduction are suggested .

    得出柴油机表面的动力响应曲线,找到了 共振频率;同时得出柴油机表面的振动速度分布,预测了主要噪声源,并针对噪声源提出了减振降噪措施。

  • The inherent frequency and vibrancy are got by the modal analyse of the finite element model of feeding system and a primary evaluation to the feeding system is done meanwhile the frequency of probably sympathetic vibration is provided ;

    运用该 振动系统的有限元模型,对其进行模态分析,求得该料斗系统的固有频率和振型,并对 振动喂料系统的动态特性作出初步评估,分析可能 引起料斗 共振的频率;

  • After great amplitude of sympathetic vibration region axial constraint controls unbalance response and it is very prominent .

    随后经过 共振 的大幅 振动之后,进入相对非常平稳的 运转区间,此时轴向约束对于抑制转子 系统不平衡响应起到比较大的作用;

  • The actual earthquake disaster shows that the role of structural sympathetic vibration is the main reason for the disaster when the natural vibration period of structure is close to the predominant period of site .

    实际震害表明:当结构物的自振周期与场地的卓越周期接近时,所导致的结构 共振作用是结构震害的主要原因。

  • The direct cause is the strong development of geothermal vortex in the region which located at the cross point of several Isogonic Equidistant Geothermal Vortex Families it is the result of sympathetic vibration .

    引发大水的直接原因是本地区地热涡的强烈发展,它因刚好位于数组同向等距地热涡族的相交点上,受相干 共振的结果。

  • The Calculation of Chimney Across - wind Sympathetic Vibration

    烟囱横向风 计算

  • And calculate the natural frequency of the crankshaft and crankcase on its free state by CAE which provide that frequencies of sympathetic vibration are avoided in the rotate speed range of engine .

    把箱体和曲轴用CAE软件计算了其自由状态下的固有频率,分析表明:避开了发动机在转速范围上的 共振频率段。

  • By means of the comparison basic frequency of derrick and substructure with the design rotary speed of drilling machine it is known that the preceding 4 steps modal frequencies are in the range of rotary table frequencies and they are easy to produce sympathetic vibration .

    通过对井架及底座的固有频率与钻机设计工作转速比较,得出前4阶固有频率都在转盘的扰动频率范围内,容易发生 共振

  • The sympathetic vibration of the building and the blasting sympathetic vibration is an indispensably important factor in the safety criteria .

    必须考虑建筑物 本身的自 频率和爆破地区地震波的频率,因此爆破振动的频响效应是不可或缺的重要因素。

  • The stable region of sympathetic vibration was obtained and the kinetic characteristic of the running vehicles that vary with the frequency of the exciting force was shown .

    并分析了车辆在行驶过程中随外激 频率以及外激振力变化的运动特性。

  • The forces are complicated when pump impeller and turbine are working so the sympathetic vibration may be produced .

    由于泵轮和涡轮在运行 状态下受力情况比较复杂,可能会产生 共振

  • As the site characteristic frequency approaches the self-oscillation frequency of the pile sympathetic vibration occurs and the value of lateral seismic response reaches maximum ;

    场地特征频率越接近桩基自振频率,桩基地震响应越大,等于自 频率时,由于发生 共振现象,桩基响应幅值最大;

  • A better design method with reason choose transmission angular rigidity moment of inertia and transmission angle between two axes was put forward to mitigate torsional oscillation and avoidance sympathetic vibration by means of torsional oscillation analysis on universal transmission .

    通过对万向传动的扭振分析,提出了为减轻扭振、避免 共振合理选择传动件刚度、转动惯量、轴间夹角的设计方法。

  • Through the thermal analysis and the dynamic modal analysis of grid with the ANSYS software under high temperature working condition we can get the inherent frequency vibration model and the thermal distortion which can avoid sympathetic vibration .

    因此用ANSYS对栅网在高温工作状态下进行单独的热分析和动力学模态分析,可以了解其热形变、振型和固有频率,以便在设计中避免 共振等不 可靠 因素的发生。

  • As a result of the sympathetic vibration pump impeller and the turbine will be destroyed .

    涡轮和泵轮在 长期 共振情况下,会发生疲劳破坏。

  • On the basis of the experiences in engineering the theory can not fully reflect the inherent law of blasting sympathetic vibration if we only take into account the peak velocity .

    根据多年的工程实践,如单一考虑 爆破 振动速度值的大小,不能全面反映爆破地震对建筑物作用的内在规律。