surplus capital

[ˈsɚpləs ˈkæpɪtl][ˈsə:pləs ˈkæpitl]


  • In the economy of liquidity fluctuation surplus capital needs to seek for investment way which results in liquidity fluctuation spreading from bank system to finance system especially spreading to stock market .

    其中,在流动性过剩的经济中, 多余 资金需要寻找投资出路,直接导致了流动性波动从银行体系向整个金融体系扩散,尤其是向股票市场扩散。

  • Nowadays global imbalance becomes the basic economic structure which consists of huge trade deficit in US and surplus capital reflowing back to the US .

    以美国贸易大幅逆差及 盈余 资金回流美国为特征的全球经济失衡,已经成为当今全球化的基本格局。

  • Surplus capital was for wimps .

    资本金过高是 懦弱无能的表现。

  • Moreover Chinese surplus capital accompanied with cheap technology also finds Pakistan as a favorable destination .

    此外对于中国的 剩余 资金和廉价的技术,巴基斯坦是一个有利的投资国。

  • With the rapid development of economy the appreciation will inevitably lead to a surplus of capital . Therefore the capital must be directed properly ; otherwise it will cause virtual economy such as capital run into the stock market and real estates .

    经济的过快发展,货币升值势必导致 本国 过剩 资本,而这些资本必须进行正确的引导,否则会引发资本流入股市、房地产等虚拟经济,导致泡沫经济。

  • Not only has the US absorbed 70 per cent of the rest of the world 's surplus capital but consumption has accounted for 91 per cent of the increase in gross domestic product in this decade .

    本世纪以来,美国不仅吸收了全球其它国家70%的 过剩 资本,而且消费占到了增加的GDP的91%。

  • Surplus Capital Pains Commercial Banks

    商业银行 资金 过剩之痛

  • Further Offerings Surplus Management and Capital Allocation Efficiency ; He can 't deserve you .

    股权再融资、 盈余管理与 资本配置效率他是没有资格匹配你的。

  • One of many adverse consequences of the Basel capital requirements was that banks that held more than the regulatory minimum came under pressure to justify their surplus capital .

    在巴塞尔资本要求的许多负面后果之一,是资本金超出最低监管要求的银行面临压力,要求证明其“ 盈余资本的合理性。

  • Queues formed outside the branches of Northern Rock only weeks after the bank had announced ( but before it had implemented ) plans to return its surplus capital to shareholders .

    就在北岩银行(NorthernRock)宣布计划向股东返还 盈余 资本仅仅数周后&但还没来得及实施,该银行的各分行门口就排起了挤兑的长队。

  • It could be explained by the surplus in capital account .

    这是因为 汇率 升值 压力 主要 资本项目下的 顺差

  • It is the result of global macroeconomic disorder particularly the massive flows of surplus capital from Asian emerging economies ( notably China ) oil exporters and a few high-income countries and in addition the financial surpluses of the corporate sectors of many countries .

    它是全球宏观经济失调的结果,尤其是来自亚洲新兴市场(特别是中国)、石油出口国以及少数高收入国家的 资本 盈余以及许多国家的企业界金融盈余大举流入美国的结果。

  • This squeezes prices and margins thus denying better-run firms the surplus capital they need to hire talented people buy competitors or invest in research and development .

    这样就压低了价格和利润空间,从而将运营良好、有 盈余的公司 拒之门外,他们需要雇用有才能的人,兼并竞争者或投资于研发。

  • As none of this is likely to happen though the most obvious catalyst is a correction in property – the only other approved outlet for surplus private capital seeking a real return .

    不过,由于上述情况都不太可能发生,最明显的催化剂是房地产市场的调整&房地产是除了股市以外,中国寻求真实回报的私人 盈余 资本唯一获准的 投资渠道。

  • Less surplus capital should improve underwriting discipline pushing up rates .

    较少的 过剩 资本又可能会改善核保纪律注5w_142,推高保险费率。

  • The export of capital can increase the marginal efficiency of capital . This can help the surplus capital seek high returns .

    资本输出可以提高资本的边际效益,为 剩余 资本寻求优质回报。

  • The limited partnership combines the advantages of the general partnership and of the corporation which may satisfy the needs of persons who possess certain capital while the law prohibits their commercial activities and will offer a credible way of investment for their surplus capital .

    有限合伙组织具有一般合伙组织和公司组织所具有的优越性,此种优越性可以满足于某些有经济地位但被法律禁止从商的人的要求,为他们 剩余 资本找到一种可靠的投资途径。

  • The State will use the surplus capital for SOE reform and development .

    所得 资金由国家用于国有企业的改革和发展。

  • The price paid represents 5.8 per cent of the unit 's assets under management after adjusting for surplus capital of $ 550m . This compares with the 2.3 per cent measure paid by Julius Baer for ING 's Swiss assets .

    对5.5亿美元 资本 盈余进行调整后,华侨银行支付的价格相当于该部门管理资产价值的5.8%,高于宝盛收购ING瑞士资产所支付的2.3%。

  • The surplus of capital led to overcapacity and contributed to poor returns on investment .

    资金 过剩导致了产能过剩和投资回报率欠佳。

  • Though Swiss Re still has surplus regulatory capital it remains shy of the level required for it to hold on to the double A credit rating it needs to maintain the confidence of its insurance clients .

    尽管瑞士再保险仍拥有 高于监管要求的 资本 ,但没有达到维持保险客户信心必须的AA级信贷评级所要求的 资本 水平。

  • There are indications that China a year ago to create liquidity surplus capital is back .

    有迹象表明,中国在一年前创造流动性 过剩 资金又回来了。

  • The US would soak up 77 per cent of the total available pool of surplus capital up from about 70 per cent between 2001 and 2006 .

    美国将吸收77%的全部可用 盈余 资金,高于2001年至2006年之间的大约70%。

  • Agricultural surplus can be divided into residual surplus capital land and labor surplus .

    农业剩余又可细分为 资本 剩余、土地剩余和劳动力剩余。

  • Considering the given domestic savings is larger than domestic investment the domestic surplus capital has to find one way out .

    如果给定国内储蓄大于国内投资,那么就必须为国内 盈余 资金寻找出路。

  • Executive Stock Option gives operators the right to distribute in surplus as capital owner and impels operator to maximize shareholder 's interests .

    股票期权激励赋予经营者以 物质 资本所有者身份参于 剩余权分配,促使经营者行为趋向股东利益最大化目标。