


  • An animal 's sense of smell is still crucial to its survival .

    动物的嗅觉对其 生存仍然至关重要。

  • As regards commercial survival a car manufacturer capable of making only 50 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing .

    谈到商业 生存,一个年产只有5万辆的汽车制造厂家是毫无成功希望的。

  • Life became a struggle for survival .

    生活成了一场奋力 求生的斗争。

  • He was told that he had a one in 500 chance of survival .

    他被告知有五百分之一的 生存机会。

  • Ask for the free booklet ' Debt : a Survival Guide ' .

    可以索要免费小册子《债务: 生存指南》。

  • All animals have an instinct to seek survival .

    动物都有 求生的本能。

  • The main place of human survival and the development is community .

    居住区是人类 生存和发展的主要场所。

  • Studies also suggest that aspirin can help with cancer prevention and survival .

    研究也表明阿司匹林可以帮助预防癌症和 生存

  • I 'm not into politics . I 'm into survival .

    我不从政了,我要 生存

  • This is a necessary awakening – vital for the survival and sustainable development of mankind .

    这是一个必要的警醒&攸关人类的 生存和永续发展。

  • With the changes in the world 's climate dinosaurs died but many smaller animals lived on . It was the survival of the fittest .

    随着世界气候的变迁,恐龙绝迹了,但许多较小的动物却继续活了下来。这就是适者 生存

  • He owed his survival to his strength as a swimmer

    他是因为水性好才 幸免于难的。

  • He mistakenly ascribes the expression ' survival of the fittest ' to Charles Darwin .

    他错误地认为“适者 生存”是查尔斯·达尔文说的。

  • If cancers are spotted early there 's a high chance of survival

    如果癌症在早期发现的话, 存活的几率会很高。

  • Societies need to develop highly adaptive behavioural rules for survival .

    社会需要发展具有高度适应性的 生存行为规则。

  • The old man was a survival of a past age .

    这位老人是上一代的 遗老

  • This is a story about growth and survival .

    这是一个关于成长和 生存的故事。

  • The name of the game is survival .

    重要的是 下去

  • The specialist who carried out the brain scan thought Tim 's chances of survival were still slim

    给蒂姆做脑部扫描的专科医生认为他 下来的可能性仍旧渺茫。

  • His most celebrated work is the film classic ' Woman in the Dunes ' a gritty look at survival in an extreme environment .

    他最负盛名的作品是经典影片《砂之女》,该片对极端环境下的艰难 求生进行了逼真的刻画。

  • Almost all young women who turn to prostitution do so as a means of survival .

    几乎所有从事卖淫的年轻女孩走这条路都是为了 生存

  • I dare to hope that your heart will be touched by the tidings of my survival .

    我奢望你在听到我还 活着的消息时心情会很激动。

  • Providing they do not panic I believe that their chances of survival will be beyond 95 per cent .

    如果他们不慌乱,我相信他们 生还的概率将在95%以上。

  • The coastal resources and environment are bases of survival and development for the residents .

    同时,海岸带资源和环境也是居民 生存和发展的基础。