symbolic formula

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˈfɔrmjələ][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˈfɔ:mjulə]

[医] 符号式

  • Results indicate that the symbolic operation wais a helpful efficiency-amplifier for satellite gravity research that was characterized by a complicated formula system .

    实验结果表明,计算机 符号运算对于 公式体系繁杂的卫星重力学理论研究来说具有极大的增效作用。

  • Then intron and convergence of genetic programming are studied by means of symbolic regression and formula discovery in genetic programming . False convergence is analyzed and for its reason and the way to minimizing its effects are proposed .

    结合 符号回归和 公式发现对遗传规划的收敛性和基因内区等进行了研究,分析了伪收敛现象产生的原因,并提出了一些抑制方法。

  • But it 's a symbolic notation to remember what the actual formula is .

    因为里面这些不是数字,不过它用 符号表示,用来让大家记住真正的 式子是怎样的。

  • In the direct method of crystal structure determination one usually applies the symbolic addition method and multiple tangent - formula method .

    应用直接法测定晶体结构,通常多半采用 记号附加法与多解记号 附加法进行。

  • A thermodynamic calculation method of the symbolic formula for rocket engine

    火箭发动机 符号 热力计算

  • Finally the given symbolic logic formula can prove the rationality of component model and validity of framework extension .

    最后通过给定的 命题逻辑 规则 公式来验证构件模型的合理性、框架扩展的正确性。

  • This paper presents a computer symbolic analysis method which can solve strongly nonlinear nonautonomous systems automatically and obtain the steady-state oscillation expressed with simple symbolic formula .

    本文论述了一种计算机符号分析方法,能用来自动快速地分析求解强非线性非自治系统,得出以简单 符号 算式表达的稳态周期解。

  • Firstly this paper abstracts and describes the component modeling structure by analyzing the composition of framework meta-model and applying the method of domain-oriented features model and describes the logic relation and semantic constraint between components by applying the symbolic logic formula .

    在分析了框架元模型组成元素的基础上,应用面向领域的特征模型的方法,对构件模型组织结构进行统一的抽象和描述,并用 命题逻辑 公式来表示构件之间的逻辑关系和语义约束;