




  • He has a site on Tricks and Secrets of the Sexual Surrogate .

    他有一个网站上的手法和机密性 代孕

  • The cheaper surrogate models are then used in the optimization .

    然后在优化过程中使用计算 小的 代理模型。

  • These include most control characters and single characters from Unicode surrogate pairs .

    这些字符包括大多数的控制字符和Unicode 代理对( surrogate pair)中的单个字符。

  • The key manager encapsulates the surrogate key generation function .

    键管理器封装了 代理键生成函数。

  • You looking to be a surrogate father ?

    你愿意做个 代理父亲?

  • Martin had become Howard Cosell 's surrogate son

    马丁代为当起了 霍华德·科塞尔的儿子

  • The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother 's cubs .

    医师们决定,如果母老虎可以 做另一头母兽所产下的幼兽的 代理母亲的话。

  • We get to talk to the surrogate alone .

    我们和 代孕 母亲单独谈。

  • So the rise of Entrust and Surrogate Relationship leads to the problem of Corporate Governance .

    企业中委托 代理关系的产生,导致了治理结构问题的出现。

  • Any surrogate exam-takers will be immediately expelled from school .


  • Martin was the best surrogate mother a foal could have had .

    马丁是小马驹能得到的最好的 代理妈妈。

  • Throughout my boyhood I had a picture-book-grandmother surrogate Aunt Hattie my mother 's mother 's sister .

    在我整个童年时代,我都有另一个图画书里的那种祖母,她就是我外婆的妹妹,哈蒂阿姨(Aunt Hattie)。

  • Provided with parental care and nurture especially by a surrogate or surrogates .

    提供父母般照料和养育的,尤其是由一 或几个监护人提供的。

  • It had to look for something to be a surrogate mother .

    因此,它要找一个 替代性的妈妈。

  • It can be used to generate unique values for the surrogate key column .

    我们可以使用该 函数代理键列生成惟一值。

  • However this is an opportunity for sterile woman on condition that surrogate and sterile couples reached an agreement .

    然而, 只要 代理 和不孕夫妻能达成共识,这将是不孕妇女的一个机会。

  • It focused on how to generate unique consequent values for the surrogate key .

    文中主要讨论了如何为 代理键生成惟一的序列值。

  • The IDENTITY function is a good solution for a surrogate key function in most cases .

    IDENTITY函数在大多数情况下是 代理键函数的一个好的解决方案。

  • In many ways cURL is a command-line surrogate for the browser and other clients .

    cURL在许多方面可以作为浏览器和其他客户机的命令行 替代

  • S.returns to China to hire a surrogate mother after the death of their teenage daughter .

    女儿少年夭亡之后,一对移民美国的中国夫妇返回祖国去雇请 代孕母亲;

  • A Unicode supplementary character is specified using a surrogate pair .

    使用一个 替代对指定Unicode补充字符。

  • Pregnancy may mean happiness for many women but for surrogate mothers it 's a nightmare .

    十月怀胎对许多女人来说本是件幸福的事,但对于 代孕妈妈们来说,却是一场噩梦。

  • The second character surrogate pair is not in the input buffer to be written .

    第二个字符 代理 对不在要写的输入缓冲区中。

  • Oh god you could make a fortune at surrogate pregnancy .

    天啊,你要是去 人怀孕 准能赚大钱。

  • An approach to product robust design based on integrated surrogate models is proposed .

    提出一种基于集成 替代模型的产品健壮设计方法。

  • You can use them to implement the surrogate key .

    您可以使用这些方法来实现 代理键。

  • This article described three approaches to implementing a surrogate key as primary key .

    本文描述了实现作为主键的 代理键的三种方法。

  • Now what ? Create your own surrogate type and handle the marshalling operations in some utility ?

    怎么办?创建您自己的 代理类型和处理了一些实用的编组行动?