


  • The Development and Transmutation of the New Chinese Swordplay Film

    论新 武侠电影的发展与嬗变

  • Third the swordplay learning must emphasize faith and reverence to the gods therefore the learners can ascent from technique level to Taoism .

    第三,学习 剑术须重视信仰,敬畏神明,由术入道。

  • His father had been an armorer at Bitterbridge he said so he had been born with the sound of steel ringing in his ears and had taken to swordplay at an early age .

    他的父亲是个苦桥的武器匠,所以他是伴着钢铁交鸣的声音出生的,很早就对 击剑着迷。

  • And my grand-shifu also said that though the swordplay was very delicate and weird it was too vague and fast to see clearly .

    太师父也说,玉壁上显现的仙影身法 剑法固然奇妙之极,然而太过模糊朦胧,又实在太快,说甚 也看不清。

  • I also learned swordplay at Wu Dang Mountain When I was only ten years old .

    我还在武当山学过 剑术,那时我才十岁。

  • Whether the means of teaching is reasonable or not is very important for the effect of the elementary swordplay teaching .

    教法手段是否合理,对 高校 女生初级 教学效应有着极为重要的意义。

  • Taking mechanics and morphologic as criteria the element of swordplay are studied to provide scientific gist for the development .

    文章运用力学、形态学的规范方法,研究了 剑法 内外要素,制定了 严密科学的规范方法,为 武术进一步的 挖掘整理和向 现代化 体育 转化与发展提出了科学的依据。

  • Sino-Japanese swordplay is the cultural treasure formed in the long-term historical development which is highly worshipped by the world-wild martial arts-loving people together . They are also physical sports and cultural phenomenon extensively existed among the people in these two countries .

    中日两国的 剑术都是长期历史中发展的文化瑰宝,在世界共同受到爱好武术的人们的高度崇拜;它们又都是两国人民中广泛开展、备受喜爱的身体运动与文化现象。

  • In this paper through the comparison research on Sino-Japanese related swordplay historical material and realistic situation the writer eventually comes to a conclusion from analysis : the Chinese swordplay pays attention to performing arts while the Japanese swordplay actually pays attention to combating resists .

    本文通过中日两国有关 剑术发展的 历史 阶段的具体 形态的比较研究,经分析 推理,最终得出一个结论:中国剑术重表演艺术,日本剑术重实战效果。

  • Combos Use a Shield Bash / Block then attack with Revenge . Swordplay Alliance is a group of schools that teach various forms of sword fighting .

    组合技使用盾击/盾牌格挡,然后再使用复仇攻击。 击剑联盟是一个教授各种击剑 技巧的学校联盟。

  • Regarding swords as life paying attention to realistic combat results and possessing the spirit of purchasing resurrection characterized the Japanese swordplay .

    而以剑为生命,讲求实际战斗效果,具有向死而 精神是日本 剑术的主要特点。

  • Chinese Swordplay Movies into the New Century

    审视进入新世纪的中国 武侠

  • Swordplay Alliance is a group of schools that teach various forms of sword fighting .

    击剑联盟是一个教授各种击剑 技巧的学校联盟。

  • There are some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run walk or dance with music .

    有的打太极拳、 ;有的跑步、散步或随着音乐跳舞。

  • Exploring tre methods of Teaching Elementary Swordplay for general college female students

    普通大学女生初级 教法探索

  • The Three Steps Teaching Method on Elementary Swordplay

    初级 的三步教学法

  • Taiji : 48 Forms and Swordplay


  • Analyses on Deduction of the Series of Skills in Swordplay and the Effects

    剑术 套路 指定 动作 扣分及其影响 因素的分析

  • The Creative Thinking Development of Chinese Swordplay Film

    论中国 武侠电影创作思维之嬗变

  • You told me that recently you sustained a cut on your hand during swordplay with a stuntman .

    记得你跟我讲过,最近你 拍片的时候手受伤了。

  • Wushu the martial arts such as shadow-boxing and swordplay is formerly cultivated for self-defence and now a form of physical culture .

    武术太极拳、 剑术等原来是一种防身术,现在成了一项体育运动。

  • So through teaching practice I come to master the three steps on Elementary Swordplay teaching .

    笔者在教学实践中 逐渐 摸索 初级 教法三步骤,从而 取得 满意的教学效果。

  • For these reasons the paper tried to generalize a development way of the thinking pattern of the Swordplay Film which were based on the creative thinking of the Swordplay Film in different periods and the development of audiences'mentality .

    基于此,本文立足于武侠电影发展各个时期创作模式的变化,以及观众心理的衍变,试图抽取概括出一条 武侠电影创作思维的发展之路。