


  • Their husbands try to shift the blame by accusing them of having ' suspicious minds ' .

    她们的丈夫指责她们“ 疑心 ”,试图以此来推诿责任。

  • He has his father 's suspicious nature .

    他像他父亲一样生性 多疑

  • The special agents broke into his room and rummaged through chests and cupboards but couldn 't find anything suspicious .

    那些特务冲进他的房间翻箱倒柜地搜了一遍,但没有发现任何 可疑的东西。

  • Manfred you 're a suspicious old devil

    曼弗雷德,你是个 可疑的老家伙。

  • Why should you be so suspicious ?

    你何必 多疑

  • Tory-bashing or Labour-bashing will not be enough to shift bored suspicious voters .

    抨击保守党或工党并不足以改变那些心生厌倦、心存 怀疑的选民的态度。

  • Nottingham police last night found what they described as a suspicious package .

    诺丁汉警方昨晚找到了他们声称的 可疑包裹。

  • Troops shot anyone suspicious on sight

    部队士兵一见到任何 可疑的人马上就开枪。

  • He warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious

    他警告公众要提高警惕,遇到任何 可疑情况都要报告。

  • She got suspicious and decided to get to the bottom of it .

    她起了 疑惑,便决定弄个水落石出。

  • The story goes that he died by his own hands but this looks rather suspicious .

    谣传他已经自杀,但我对此 半信半疑

  • I wasn 't going to demean myself by acting like a suspicious wife .

    我不会表现得像个 疑神疑鬼的妻子一样自贬身价。

  • The police inferred that they found her behaviour rather suspicious .

    警方暗示他们发现她行为非常 可疑

  • Detectives are appealing for witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious

    探员呼吁看到任何 可疑情况的人进行举报。

  • Suspicious fans exposed the racket and police arrested a man in Nottingham .


  • Andrew you have a very suspicious mind

    安德鲁,你太 多疑了。

  • I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I 'd be getting from you if we started whispering together

    要是我们开始凑在一起交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的 怀疑的目光了。

  • Formal exact and obstinate he was also cold suspicious touchy and tactless .

    严肃、严谨、倔强的他同时又冷漠、 多疑、敏感、不会变通。

  • I 'm somewhat suspicious of his intentions .

    对他的意图我有几分 怀疑

  • A woman kept prisoner in a basement was rescued after suspicious neighbours tipped off police .

    觉得情况 可疑的邻居们报警后,被囚禁在地下室里的一名女子获了救。

  • He did not want Pollard to become suspicious that he was now onto him

    他不想让波拉德 怀疑他已察觉到其不轨行为。

  • He was rightly suspicious of meeting me until I reassured him I was not writing about him

    当然他很不 放心见我,直到我再一次向他保证我不是在写他。

  • ' Did he think there was anything suspicious going on ? ' — ' Yes he did . '

    “他认为有 可疑的事发生吗?”——“是的,他认为有。”

  • The policeman examined the suspicious man .

    警察盘问了那个 可疑的人。

  • The fire is of suspicious origin .

    这场火灾起因 可疑

  • There were one or two suspicious looks from nearby .

    附近有一两个人 怀疑的目光。

  • Two officers on patrol became suspicious of two men in a car

    两名巡警开始对一辆车里的两个人 疑心

  • He laments that people in Villa El Salvador are suspicious of the police

    他哀叹埃尔萨尔瓦多镇的居民居然不 信任警方

  • The report mentions the death of 18 people in suspicious circumstances

    那份报告提到18人死亡情况 可疑

  • They were always very suspicious about their neighbours .

    他们总是对四邻 存有 疑心