



  • Her face is blotched and swollen .

    她脸上长斑,而且 起来了。

  • Will you open your mouth ? Your throat is swollen .


  • She laid her hands on her swollen belly

    她把双手放在自己 隆起的肚子上。

  • My eyes are really swollen .

    我的眼睛都 了。

  • Her eyes were swollen with weeping .

    她把眼睛都哭 了。

  • Her eyes were swollen from crying .

    她的眼皮都哭 了。

  • If untreated the gums recede become swollen and bleed

    如果不进行治疗,牙龈会开始萎缩、 红肿和出血。

  • The river has swollen with melted snow .


  • My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see .

    我的眼睛 很厉害,几乎看不到东西。

  • A It looks swollen .

    A看起来 了。

  • An army swollen with pride is bound to lose .


  • Are my eyes swollen from crying ?

    我眼睛哭 了没有?

  • You see my knee swollen ?

    你看到我膝盖 了吗?

  • The ankle was badly swollen .

    踝节部 得很厉害。

  • The girl 's face looks Wan and sallow and her eyelids are swollen .

    这姑娘脸色憔悴,眼皮 浮肿

  • Then the article goes on to speak of the truly indescribable and bestial conditions of life in the swollen London slums .

    文章接着谈到不断 膨胀中的伦敦贫民窟无限悲惨的非人生活情况。

  • The sky swollen like a black bladder rumbled and crackled

    天空中乌云黑沉沉地压下来,发出隆隆声和 噼啪声。

  • Yes my throat feels swollen . It 's sore .

    是的,我觉着嗓子 了,很痛。

  • Shawn was stung by the bee and his face is swollen .

    被蜂蜇了,脸 了。

  • My lower leg got swollen from hanging in midair .

    我的腿都控 了。

  • Its population is swollen by 360 refugees .

    360名难民 使该国人口大增。

  • My legs are swollen .

    我的腿 了。

  • Bitten by a bug my leg became swollen .

    被虫咬了,我的腿 起来

  • The bridge was washed away by the swollen river .

    桥给 上涨 河水冲走了。

  • Brian 's toe is still badly swollen and he cannot put on his shoe

    布赖恩的脚趾还是 得很厉害,穿不上鞋。

  • He was swollen about the eyes and nose .

    他的眼睛和鼻子这 一带 了。

  • He suffered from swollen glands .


  • The wood had become swollen from prolonged immersion .

    因长时间浸泡,木头 发胀了。

  • Her glands were swollen and painful

    她腺体 肿痛