survival action

[sɚˈvaɪvəl ˈækʃən][səˈvaivəl ˈækʃən]

[法] 诉讼中的辛存者

  • From survival angle philosophical contradiction displays the contradiction of philosophical comprehension knowledgical philosophy and philosophical action from outward appearance to inner essence .

    生存论的角度看,哲学的矛盾由表及里地展现为哲学理解的矛盾、哲学之知的矛盾和哲学 活动的矛盾。

  • Structural response in relation to variation of wind speed and the problem of survival of platform under the action fo typhoon are also analysed .

    给出了台风 风压的长期分布,分析了各种风速条件下结构的响应组成,讨论了平台在台风影响下的 生存问题。

  • Ecological degradation as a hot issue has been a serious threat to human survival sustainable social and economic development . It is an important action for human to deal with ecological degradation through recovery and reconstruction of ecosystem structure and function that has been damaged .

    生态环境退化是严重威胁人类 生存和社会经济可持续发展的热点问题之一,恢复和重建已受损的生态系统结构和功能是人类应对生态环境退化的重要 举措

  • For one-point crossover only the survival action to schema is mainly discussed in the existing schema theory .

    对于单点杂交算子,目前的模式理论主要研究它对模式 存活 影响

  • Gore warned that global warming poses a threat to the survival of human civilization urging immediate action and worldwide mobilization to counter the challenges posed by climate change .

    格尔在讲话中指出,全球气候变化给人类文明的 生存带来了威胁。他强烈要求大家立刻 行动 起来,动员全世界所有的力量对抗气候变化所带来的挑战。

  • Doctor Giuliano says rates of survival five years later showed that the less invasive operation was just as successful as the more aggressive action .

    朱利亚博士说,仅摘除一至两个淋巴 的微创手术和摘除大部分淋巴结的激进手术同样成功。

  • In this dissertation the effects of the schema survival and the schema construction of uniform crossover are analyzed based on ternary representation . Subsequently the united action of schema survival and construction of uniform crossover is discussed too .

    基于三进制表示法,深入研究了均匀杂交对模式的存活能力和新建能力的影响,然后研究了在 存活和新建共同 作用下均匀杂交对模式的影响。

  • Study on cultivation in different area showed that transferring hybridized abalone from the south to the north could increase the growth rate and survival rate . And the action could avoid the high temperature and typhoon season in south .

    对夏季南鲍北移的研究发现,将杂交鲍转移到北方养殖,将大大提高鲍鱼的生长速度和 成活率,并将有效 避开南方的高温季节以及台风季节。

  • The survival rate of PVEC was ( 71 ± 22 ) % under action of 25 % AB type NHS .

    在25%的正常人AB型血清 作用下,猪血管内皮细胞的 存活率为(71±22)%。

  • RESULTS : The survival rate of calcium-tolerant myocytes was 50 % ~ 60 % and their rest potentials were between – 80 ~ 90 mV . Typical figures of action potential and natrium potassium and calcium currents were recorded successfully in single myocytes .

    结果耐钙心室肌细胞的 存活率在50%~60%,其静息膜电位在-80~90mV,并成功地记录到典型的 动作电位及钾、钠、钙等电流。

  • This paper investigates the survival law of microorganisms under the action of dynamic magnetic field ( DMF ) .

    采用动态磁场探讨磁场 作用下微生物的 存活规律。

  • Methods The survival rate of rat 's neurogliocytoma ( C6 ) cells under action of β - elemene was de - termined by using MTT method .

    方法用MTT法观察β-榄香烯 作用下大鼠神经胶质瘤细胞(C6细胞) 生存情况;

  • MTT assay was used to measure the cell survival ( A value ) of K562 and K562 / AO_2 cell strains after the action of ADR .

    方法:MTT法测定K562和K562/AO2在ADR 作用后的细胞 活力(A值);

  • After recovers the cell survival percentage to have the drop its main reason is the cell in freezes and recovers in the process to suffer the machinery and the chemical action is the result of .

    复苏后细胞 存活率有所下降,其主要原因是细胞在冷冻和复苏过程中遭受机械和化学 作用所致。

  • The human survival status have been improved enormously by the development of science and technology . The development of science and technology enforce the human strength to change nature and change the criminal action method as while . These stituation cause new types of crime & intellectual crime .

    科学技术在给人类 生存状态带来巨大改善,使人改造自然的力量得到加强的同时,亦在改变人的犯罪 行为方式,并由此产生了新的犯罪类型&智力犯罪。

  • Laid-off workers with sociological perspective view is the survival of action group unique perspective of this thesis research .

    以社会学视角看待下岗职工群体的 生存 行动,是文章研究的独特视角。

  • Content : Practice is the unique human existence and survival of the state with practical way of thinking to think of current legal issues is to us in a rational way and action toward legal survival condition and the existence way .

    实践是人类特有的存在方式和 生存状态,以实践的思维方式去思考当下的法律问题,就是要我们以理性的方式并用 行动的态度对待法律的生存状态和存在方式。

  • Through the analysis of the survival probability of a missile launch vehicle a fact that it is difficult for a missile launch vehicle to counter the infrared imaging guided missile only by means of avoiding action and reinforced armor is clarified .

    通过分析发射车的 生存概率因素,阐明了单纯依靠回避 运动和加强发射车的自身防护能力是难以对抗红外成像制导导弹的。