surveillance radar

[sɚˈveləns ˈredɑr][səˈveɪləns ˈreidə]


  • Design of Multi-target Closed Loop Tracking for Phase-scanned Battlefield Surveillance Radar

    相扫体制战场 侦察 雷达的多目标闭环跟踪设计

  • Analysis of Detection Efficiency of Space Target Surveillance Radar to Low-Orbit Satellite

    空间目标 监视 雷达探测低轨卫星效能分析

  • Direction Data Association in NAVSPASUR-type Space Surveillance Radar

    电子篱笆型空间 监视 雷达测向数据关联算法

  • Design and Realization of Panel-computer Control System for ALENIA Second Surveillance Radar

    ALENIA二次 监视 雷达面板计算机控制系统的设计与实现

  • The student of astronomy is lost in wonder at the multitude and the distance of the stars . Research on Correcting of Range Walking and Range Foldover of Space-Based Surveillance Radar

    这位天文学学生对星辰之繁多和距离之遥远惊叹不已。天基 监视 雷达的距离游走和距离重叠补偿研究

  • On the basis of analyzing and studying the anti-jamming principle of ground surveillance radar net and existed evaluation methods a comprehensive evaluation method for the anti-jamming ability of a radar net is presented according to the principle of information and the correspondence model is given .

    摘要在分析研究地面 防空 雷达网抗干扰原理及现有综合评估方法的基础上,根据信息原理提出了一种综合评估雷达网抗干扰性能的方法,并给出了相应的数学模型。

  • Research on Functional Simulation about Surveillance Radar 's Detection Under long-distance Jamming

    远距离干扰下的 警戒 雷达功能仿真研究

  • The monopulse secondary surveillance radar ( SSR ) antenna needs sum difference and sidelobe suppression omnidirectional channels .

    单脉冲二次 雷达要求天线具有和、差和副瓣抑制三个通道。

  • Research on Correcting of Range Walking and Range Foldover of Space-Based Surveillance Radar

    天基 监视 雷达的距离游走和距离重叠补偿研究

  • Design of Weather Channel in ATC Primary Surveillance Radar

    航管一次 监视 雷达中气象通道的设计

  • Secondary Surveillance Radar Multi-targets Responsive Signal Processing Based on FPGA

    基于FPGA的二次 雷达多目标应答信号处理

  • Airborne long range battlefield surveillance radar is a new kind of airborne multimode radar with passive phased-array antenna .

    机载远程战场 侦察 雷达是一种新型的多模机载雷达,它采用无源相扫体制。

  • The emergence of the stealth technology puts forward to the surveillance radar a big challenge .

    摘要隐身技术的出现对 探测 雷达提出了严峻的挑战。

  • This paper mainly discusses the effects to the second surveillance radar horizontal beam due to the malfunction radiators of ALE-9 which is always used in the mono-pulse SSR system .

    针对单脉冲二次雷达所使用的 ALE-9开阵天线,研究了辐射柱故障对 雷达水平波束的影响。

  • Encoder Design of Ground-based Air Traffic Control Secondary Surveillance Radar System Based on FPGA

    航管二次 监视 雷达地面询问编码器的FPGA设计

  • Pseudorandom Code interrupted continuous wave system can effectively improve the performance of ground surveillance radar .

    伪码调相中断连续波作为一种新体制,能够有效提升地面 侦察 雷达的性能,受到国内外广泛的关注与研究。

  • General specification of secondary surveillance radar for air traffic control

    GB/T12182-1990空中交通管制二次 监视 雷达通用技术条件

  • The design method of space target surveillance radar is studied and a new design method is presented analyzing from several aspects such as the choice of frequency band and polarization mode radar scale inclination of array and multi-objective ability .

    然后研究了空间目标 监视 雷达的设计方法,分别从频段选择、极化方式的选择、雷达规模、阵面倾角和多目标能力等多个方面进行了分析,实现了空间 目标 监视 雷达的设计方法。

  • Study of CFAR detection for airborne surveillance radar in ground clutters

    机载 监视 雷达地杂波背景中的CFAR检测方法

  • The design idea and the design pattern of antenna system for a low altitude surveillance radar is presented in this paper .

    介绍了某低空 搜索 雷达天线系统的结构总体设计思路和设计方案。

  • The major point is to discuss the requirement and detailed techniques for designing the space-based surveillance radar .

    重点讨论对天基 监视 雷达的设计要求和具体设计技术。

  • Requirements of electromagnetic environment protection for air defense surveillance radar station

    GB13618-1992对空 情报 雷达站电磁环境防护要求

  • The Structure Design of Antenna System for a Low Altitude Surveillance Radar

    某低空 搜索 雷达天线系统的结构设计

  • Long range air surveillance radar

    远距离空中 监视 雷达

  • This design has laid a theoretical and practical foundation for future short-range ground surveillance radar .

    通过本次设计,为以后近程地面 警戒 雷达打下了理论和实践基础。

  • An engineering implementation method is proposed for air traffic control ( ATC ) system to capture and tail mode S airborne targets using secondary surveillance radar ( SSR ) .

    提出了一种空管二次 雷达S模式询问机捕获与 监视空中S模式目标的工程实现方案。

  • Because of surveillance radar equipment modern military affairs become more complicated .

    有了 监视 雷达,警戒 雷达,现在军事变的复杂的多。

  • Secondary Surveillance Radar ( SSR ) on the ground picks up the data and displays it on the ATC radar screen .

    地面的二次 监视 雷达接受到数据并把数据在空管雷达屏幕上显示出来。

  • This paper describes the systematic features of the track correlation system in the DLD-100 secondary surveillance radar for ATC .

    本文介绍了 DLD-100航管单脉冲二次 雷达中的航迹相关系统的系统特点。

  • Field surveillance radar is the very important equipment for tower controllers to control the airport and field .

    机场场面 监视 雷达是机场塔台管制人员进行机场和地面管制的重要设备。