symmetric channel


  • The evolution properties of asymmetric laser filed in non-uniform and uniform plasmas are discussed and mechanisms that symmetric channel-like plasmas can confine the laser centroid around the plasma channel axes and symmetrize initially asymmetric laser beams are proposed ;

    讨论了初始不对称的激光场在横向非均匀及均匀等离子体中的演化特性,并提出了具有 对称结构的等离子体箍缩激光质心和 对称化初始不对称激光场的物理机制。

  • Using this strategy we simulated the flow in a 2D symmetric sudden expansion channel and the lid driven cavity flow in polar coordinates The results agree well with the traditional method indicating the feasibility of this strategy .

    用该方法模拟了后 台阶 通道内的突扩流动和二维极坐标下的空腔流。所得结果与传统方法吻合良好,证明了该方法的可行性。

  • Watermark Capacity Theory in Binary Symmetric Channel

    数字水印的二进制 对称 信道容量理论

  • A Calculation Method of Symmetric Linear Contraction Channel 's Length

    对称直线收缩 渠道段长度的计算方法

  • This paper presents a scheme of quantum dense coding in symmetric space . The quantum channel is a GHZ state of three particles with two - level in this paper .

    本文提出了一种 对称 信道中的量子稠密编码方案,在这个方案中以一个二能级三粒子GHZ态作为量子通道。

  • Optimum frame synchronization and performance in a binary symmetric channel

    二进 对称 信道的最佳帧同步和性能

  • Second research the channel coding and PNC joint technology in symmetric rate channels and asymmetric rate channel .

    第二,分别研究 对称速率和非对称速率 信道下信道编码和PNC的联合编译码技术,详细分析相关研究方案和问题,提出一种非 对称速率信道下的网络编码方案。

  • We use the synergetics to study how to allocate input probability in the binary symmetric discrete channel in order to maximize average mutual information for memoryless and memory channels with interference .

    在有干扰(噪声)无记忆信道和有记忆信道两种情况下,运用协同学的方法研究如何分配输入概率获取二元 对称离散 信道最大的平均互信息。

  • A Scheme of Controlled Dense Coding in Symmetric Channel

    对称 信道中的量子稠密编码控制方案

  • And then it is discussed that there are not only one symmetric solutions in the sudden-expansion flows of open channel and round pipe .

    同时,讨论了 明渠突扩流动和圆管突扩流动中存在的不止一个 对称解问题,并就此问题未被重视的原因进行了初步分析。

  • Quantum Key Distribution Using Multi-Entanglement State via Symmetric Noisy Channel

    对称噪声 信道下利用多纠缠态实现量子密钥分配

  • The Calculation for the Cost Function of Channel Capacity of N Strong Symmetric Channel

    N元强 对称 信道的信道容量代价函数计算

  • A new method for studying the average mutual information of binary symmetric discrete channel

    一种研究二元 对称离散 信道平均互信息的新方法

  • Simulation results in binary symmetric channel show that this transmission scheme for progressive image is easy to perform and able to achieve high peak signal-to-noise ratio even in high bit error rate channel .

    在二进制 对称 信道上的仿真结果表明,该渐进图像传输方法实现简单,在高误码率信道条件下恢复图像仍能得到很高的峰值信噪比。

  • With channel noise and possible attacks error protection scheme is one of the important requirements of optimal rate allocation for binary symmetric channel ( BSC ) transmission .

    在二进制 对称 信道 传输多媒体信息流时,考虑噪声和攻击的影响,错误保护机制是实现码率最优分配的重要指标。

  • The fixed frame length maximum correlation method which is the optimum method in a binary symmetric channel has been proved .

    本文论证了固定帧长度相关法是二进 对称 信道(BSC)的最佳帧同步算法。

  • The paper modify the image intensifier computing systems to be revolving and symmetric structure using single channel expanding computing model calculate the electrostatic field distribution of the image intensifier using finite difference method calculate equipotential distribution using tracing method calculate electron trajectory using Runge-Kutta method .

    采用单 扩展计算模式使像增强器计算系统为旋转 对称结构,采用有限差分法计算像增强器中的静电场电位分布,采用追迹法计算等位线分布,采用龙格库塔法计算电子轨迹。