swap facilities

[经] 套换业务

  • Swap ( mutual credit facilities ) Kindly make a note of this order .

    帐户(互惠 信贷)对此次订购,请予以入帐。

  • The CFTC is now hopeful that rules for the clearing of derivatives will be finalised early next year followed by rules governing the trading of swaps on so-called swap execution facilities later in 2012 .

    cftc目前预计,规范衍生品结算的细则有望于明年初完成,而针对所谓“ 互换执行系统”(swapexecution facility)互换交易的细则也将于2012年晚些时候 出炉

  • If you open a fixed account . swap ( mutual credit facilities )

    对开帐户( 互惠 信贷

  • Swap ( mutual credit facilities ) Examining of all the books and accounts of a company

    帐户(互惠 信贷)对公司的所有帐册和帐户进行检查