



  • Therefore the study on King Dai not only directly proves the lessons of success and failure of the policy of suzerain in the Ming Dynasty but also provides the enlightenments for the local history of Datong .

    因此,对代王的研究,不仅可以 折射出明代 藩王政策的得失教训,而且也对大同地方史的研究提供启示。

  • The British government recognised the new monarchy and in 1910 Bhutan became a suzerain of the British government in exchange for political autonomy .

    英国政府承认了新政权, 1910年不丹以政治自治为 条件加入英联邦。

  • The suzerain relation between China and Korea was a most solid international relation in Northeast Asia in Ming dynasty .

    在明代,中朝两国的 关系是东北亚地区最牢固的国际关系。

  • China 's galiot trade of Manila about 250 years ' oversea trade began from 1565 to 1815 ( Ming and Qing Dynasties ) between China New Spain ( Mexico ) Philippines and their suzerain Spain .

    马尼拉中国大帆船贸易是发生在1565-1815年(相当中国明清时期)中国与当时的新西班牙(现今的墨西哥)、菲律宾以及他们的 宗主 西班牙之间长达250年的越洋贸易。

  • As the Constitution in most African countries Nigeria constitution makes a start in colonial period and suffers the profound influence of the constitution model and constitution principle of former suzerain .

    摘要尼日利亚宪法和非洲大多数国家一样,发端于殖民地时期,受到原 宗主 宪法模式和宪法原则的深刻影响。

  • As the colonial person living in suzerain state he isdiscriminated against consequently and became a marginal man ;

    作为生活于 宗主国的殖民地人,王尔德必然会受到排挤,成为“边缘人”。

  • They are rivals at this stage with the Tang insisting on being the suzerain and denying Tibet of its equal rights .

    唐朝坚持 宗主 地位,拒绝 认可吐蕃的平等诉求;

  • Under the system of the Western European feudal suzerain feudal seigneurs got all the public power based on their private estates radically the social structure of the isolation between public power and private areas did not exist .

    在西欧封建 领主制下,封建领主以封地为基础统辖了其上的一切公共权力,根本不存在公共领域与私人领域相分离的社会结构。

  • And modern immigrants have become force that cannot be neglected for a suzerain state .

    现代移民对 宗主 来说已经成为一支不可忽视的 建设力量。

  • International trade patterns today are still marked by the characteristics of trade between the suzerain and the colonies and semi-colonies that existed before the 1950s .

    当今的国际贸易格局仍然带有20世纪50年代以前 宗主 与殖民地和半殖民地国家贸易的痕迹。

  • The Starting Time of Suzerain Supervision Protection System in Northern Wei Dynasty : A Tentative Study on Its Social Influence

    北魏 宗主 时间试探&兼论宗主 护制的社会影响

  • Then points out that the suzerain 's psychology has strengthened ;

    嗣后指出其在 朝鲜问题上所 表现出的 宗主 心态,并强调其 宗主 心理在 此间有所加强;

  • The UK-India relations transformed from suzerain and colony into two sovereign states .

    英国与印度的关系由 宗主 与殖民地的关系转变为国与 的关系。

  • So the British colony rule policy was the kernel that influenced the relations between the colony and the suzerain . It played dual role in the course of the development of the North American and the evolution of relations with its mother country .

    因此,英国殖民统治政策是 制导殖民地与 宗主 关系的核心因素,在北美发展及其与母国关系演化的过程中发挥着双重作用。

  • They succeed hardly and obtain the equal right of speaking in the stage to the suzerain intellectuals .

    他们通过 更加努力地 抗争而获取成功,取得了与 宗主 知识分子平等的话语权。

  • The Western Mediterranean Policy was related to the relationship among England France and Spain . The Eastern Mediterranean Policy was related to the relationship between British and Suzerain system in Egypt .

    西地中海政策涉及英国与法国、西班牙的关系;东地中海政策涉及英国在埃及的 宗主制度。

  • The Study on the Relationship between China and Korea as Suzerain and Vassal State during Qing Dynasty

    清代中朝 关系 嬗变研究

  • As a part of interdisciplinary field of cultural studies postcolonial theory focuses on the relationship of culture discourse and power between the post - suzerain countries and the colonized countries .

    作为文化研究领域的一个跨学科,后殖民理论关注于后 宗主国与后殖民地国家的文化、话语与权力的关系。

  • In the history of ancient China Suzerain is a manifestation of close relationship between the nation and the family .

    在古代历史上,国与家联系最紧密的表现, 过于