swap set

[swɑp sɛt][swɔp set]


  • If your entire working set exceeds the amount of physical RAM in the system then Linux can use disk space as a virtual extension to RAM known as the swap space .

    如果整个工作 超出了系统中的物理RAM量,那么Linux可以使用磁盘空间作为RAM的虚拟扩展,即 交换 空间swapspace)。

  • The currency swap lines that central banks set up among themselves have also been shut down .

    各国央行之间的货币 互换 协议也已经终止。

  • The primary swap space is that of which is normally configured during boot time and usually set up as part of the installation of your operating system .

    交换空间是通常在启动时配置的 交换 空间,并且通常是作为操作系统安装的一部分来 设置的。

  • China 's official media have made much of its decision to allow farmers to swap land for shares in a new orange-growing business set up by the entrepreneurial village chief .

    麒麟村富有企业家精神的村委会主任促成了一个新的柑桔生意,他决定允许农民 用土地 交换这个柑桔种植生意的股份。

  • Also remember to set the Partition Type to Linux Swap when creating your swap partition .

    还要记住在创建交换分区时,将“PartitionType” 设置为“Linux Swap”。

  • It might be a good idea if the various countries of the world would occasionally swap history books just to see what other people are doing with the same set of facts .

    也许世界上不同的国家 之间 相互 交换历史课本,来看一下别人是怎么样来处理同一 实事的是一个不错的想法。