sweat blood

[swɛt blʌd][swet blʌd]


  • In the evening before His death He knew exactly that He would be crucified and in a garden He prayed earnestly with sweat like great drops of blood falling down to the ground .

    当耶稣基督知悉将快要钉死在十字架时,当晚就在一个园子里祷告。衪祷告十分恳切, 以致 点滴在地上。

  • The team printed paper batteries without adding any electrolytes and demonstrated that naturally occurring electrolytes in human sweat blood and urine can be used to activate the battery device .

    该小组用纸张印制的电池无需增加任何电解质,并表明,在人类 汗液血液和尿液中自然发生的电解,可以用来激活电池装置。

  • Our mothers and fathers invested sweat and blood .

    我们的父母付出了 血汗

  • Two meals of congee and one of rice twelve hours of work in that din dust and humidity & so the ceaseless grind goes on till the last drop of sweat and blood has been wrung from her emaciated body .

    两粥一饭,十二小时噪音、尘埃和湿气中的工作,直到被榨完残留在皮骨里的最后的一 滴血 为止。

  • 4 and being in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down upon the ground .

    4耶稣痛苦挣扎,祷告更加恳切, 汗珠如大 血点滴落在地上。

  • Or germs can also appear in bodily fluids like saliva sweat and blood .

    微生物同样可以出现在体液中,比如 唾液、和 血液

  • I had to sweat blood for an M.A.


  • Not far from here is the spot where the Saviour prayed when his sweat became like drops of blood .

    离这儿不远处就是救主他的 汗水如同 珠般大的山园祈祷地点。

  • We must thoroughly clear away all ideas among our cadres of winning easy victories through good luck without hard and bitter struggle without sweat and blood .

    干部中一切不经过自己艰苦奋斗、 流血 流汗,而依靠意外便利、侥幸取胜的心理,必须扫除干净。

  • Behind each successful man there must be a thorny road paved with sweat and even blood .

    每一个成功人的背后,都有一个充满荆棘的道路,它铺满了 汗水甚至 鲜血

  • Don 't waste the fruits of the people 's sweat and blood .

    不要耗费人民的 膏血

  • Why be obliging ? He was selling his sweat and blood .

    没有客气,他卖的是 血汗

  • Choose the own player and make the way through sweat and blood on glory peak .

    选择自己的球员,使自己通过“ ”到达荣耀的顶峰。

  • They are all sweat blood to get the work finished before friday .

    为了赶在星期五前完成,他们都在 拼命做。

  • Radioactive skin injury is one of the most common complications in tumour radiotherapeutics . It is related to the atrophy of hair follicle sebaceous gland and sweat gland as well as the change of blood vessel permeability .

    放射性皮肤损伤是肿瘤放射治疗最常见的并发症,它与局部毛囊、皮脂腺、 汗腺萎缩以及 血管通透性改变有关。

  • Because these Liberated Areas have been created and arduously built up by the people with sweat and blood .

    因为这是人民用 血汗创造出来的、艰苦地建设起来的解放区。

  • The exploiting classes fattening on the sweat and blood of the working people

    靠着劳动人民的 血汗发财致富的剥削阶级

  • Anyway every piece wow gold of land in azeroth leaving us hard sweat fearless those battles of blood but so dazzling .

    总之,每一块土地的在 埃泽拉斯哇,我们艰难,勇敢地战斗,那些 ,但令。

  • A cold body is a tight body . Hike jog do jumping jacks windmills-anything to break a light sweat get the metabolism cranking and the blood flowing .

    身体冷的时候是僵硬的,走路、跑步、跳娃娃、大臂绕环任何运动, 一些 ,促进新陈代谢及让 血液流动。

  • Contact with the body to absorb sweat dewetting promote blood circulation and metabolism relieve fatigue .

    与人体接触能去湿吸 ,促进 人体 血液循环和新陈代谢,缓解疲劳。

  • Losing more sweat in peacetime ( training etc. ) means shedding less blood in war .

    平时多 流汗,战时少 流血

  • I sweat blood for five years and he corrects my spelling .

    累死累活 五年,他来校正一下拼写。

  • No sweat no tears no blood besides that which they ingest – they don 't have their own blood .

    没有 ,没有眼泪,没有 血液除了他们吸入的以外&他们没有自己的血液。

  • RESULTS LST significantly increased the incidence number density and area density of the vacuole of the acinus epicyte of the plantar sweat gland and decreased the whole blood specific viscosity and RBC aggregation .

    结果荆芥内酯类提取物能明显提高 汗腺腺泡上皮细胞的空泡发生率、数密度和面密度,显著降低 全血比粘度和红细胞的聚集性。

  • Fitting in a sweat session will increase blood circulation throughout your body which can help you stay focused handle stressful situations and of course warm up .

    健身 直到 出汗能增加体内的 血液循环,使你精神更加集中,易于在重压之下处理事情,当然还能让你暖起来。

  • Acupuncture and patients due to dizziness nausea dizziness palpitations and even the pale cold sweat limbs frosty blood pressure pulse dispersion is weak or even a sudden sense of where forfeiture is called fainting .

    患者因针刺而出现头晕、恶心、目眩、心悸,甚则面色苍白、 冷汗、四肢厥冷、 血压降低、脉搏散弱,甚至突然意识丧失者称晕针。

  • When someone is heavy sleepy the water in his body lose because of sweat then the water in blood decreases and finally the blood consistency becomes high .

    当人熟睡时,由于 出汗,身体内的水分丢失,造成 血液中的水分减少,血液的黏稠度会变得很高。

  • The smell of sweat of blood of unwashed bodies of excrement rose up in waves of blistering heat until the fetid stench almost nauseated her .


  • The credit belongs to the man who is actully in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood ;

    荣誉属于这样的人,他置身角斗场上,脸上沾满尘垢, 汗水 鲜血

  • What he had thought was sweat on his face was blood .

    脸蛋上,他以为 原来