



  • Developmental stage of swash bars ; and formative stage of berm .

    冲洗 坝发育阶段和滩肩形成阶段。

  • Structural Modes · Vibration Transmission Paths and Vibrational Responses of Swash - plate Piston Pump

    盘式 轴向柱塞泵的结构模态、振动传递通道和振动响应分析

  • Design of sliding boot of swash - plate axial piston pump


  • The friction pair between swash plate and slipper is very important in the aeronautical fuel piston pump and has great effect on the service life of the piston pump .

    滑靴与 是一对重要的摩擦副,滑靴与 之间的油 润滑性能对燃油柱塞泵的使用寿命有很大影响。

  • In an axial piston pump the slipper coupling between swash plate and slipper is an important friction coupling and obviously affectes the life-span and the performance of the axial piston pump .

    在轴向柱塞泵中, 盘与滑靴之间的滑靴副是一对很重要的摩擦副,其很大程度上影响着轴向柱塞泵的性能及寿命。

  • Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters .


  • In this article you will use two fictional companies the Swish Swash Wiper Company and eBlade to configure two trading partners into an integrated trading community .

    本文中,您将用到Swish SwashWiper公司和eBlade这两个虚构的公司,将两个商业伙伴配置成为一个集成的贸易社区。

  • The results show that the self-organized processes between the sediment topography and swash can induce the formation of beach cusps .

    结果表明滩角的形成过程具有自组织特征,因此 角可以通过海滩泥沙、地形与 的自组织过程形成。

  • Performance Analysis on the Control Valve in Variable Displacement Swash Plate Compressor


  • Improved aerodynamics due to the transfer of moving parts ( swash plate control rods ) into the transmission results in an increase in efficiency .

    由于减速 内的运动部件( 旋转 、控制杆)改进了空气动力学,结果使效率增加。

  • The pressure ripple related to the position of swash plate the pressure pulsations related to pump outlet volume the kinetic characteristic of the piston the stress and strain of the shaft are analyzed .

    油盘位置与压力 冲击,泵出口容积与压力脉动,柱塞运动特性和主轴应力应变进行了分析。

  • The motion in axial piston seawater pump with piston valving is analyzed in this paper the movement model and the simulation between piston and cylinder block ( or between piston and swash plate ) are also presented .

    对柱塞配流海水轴向柱塞泵进行运动学分析,给出了柱塞相对缸体和柱塞 相对 的运动分析表达式及仿真曲线。

  • Application of the swash plate compressor in automobile air conditioning


  • The dynamic model focuses on the mechanical analysis of the swash plate and the shaft analyzing the power loss .

    动力学模型分析了活塞、 盘和主轴的受力, 计算摩擦功耗,分析了 压力排量的控制。

  • This paper introduce several main methods of variable displacement and discuss the feature and mechanism of variable displacement of the wobble plate compressor which was used widely in our country at the present time and the swash plate compressor and scroll compressor which were developed rapidly recent years .

    本文介绍了几种主要的变排量调节方法,并分析了目前国内使用最为广泛的摇板式压缩机及迅速发展的 单向 盘式压缩机和涡旋式压缩机的性能特点及变排量原理。

  • It can fulfill automatic control on swash plate of aircraft inlet through controlling motion direction of swash plate .

    飞机进气道 板控制系统是一种典型的电液位置伺服系统。

  • Swash letter : A florid version of standard italic capital letters usually used for ornamentation . Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters .


  • And the effect of the swash plate moment pressure pulsation and flow pulsation on the noise and variable displacement control of the piston pump .

    同时研究了 盘力矩、压力脉动和流量脉动对柱塞泵噪声和柱塞泵变量控制特性的影响。

  • The feathering angle of the rotor blades with linear torsion including the action of the swash plate and flapping adjustment ;

    具有线性扭转桨叶的 距角,其中含有 自动 倾斜 和挥 调节的作用;

  • Characteristics of Swash Plate Variable Displacement Compressor and Its Automotive Air Conditioning System


  • Analysis on joint operation of swash plate lateral slope and distributor damping aperture in axial piston pump

    轴向柱塞泵 盘横向倾角和配流盘减振孔共同工作时的计算

  • Hydrostatic transmission with secondary regulation is a new kind of transmission technology which changes the swash angle of hydraulic pump / motor in the constant pressure network to adapt to the load change .

    二次调节静液传动技术是一种新型的传动技术,该技术在恒压网络的基础上通过改变液压泵/马达的 倾角,从而改变 排量来适应负载的变化。

  • Swash capitals are mostly designed to give some extra visual pleasure to your designs .

    花式大写的预设目的 凡是是用来为预设增添一些分外的视觉愉悦。

  • The swash plate compressor and the scroll compressor which control the displacement by the external signal also are discussed .

    本文对 发展 起来的采用外部信号控制法或称 即时 量控制法的 单向 盘压缩机和涡旋压缩机也作了介绍。

  • The UWB impulse radio technology is a new kind of communication method these years in which the swash impulse and time-hopping code modulation techniques are mainly applied .

    超宽带冲激无线电技术是近年来新兴的通信技术,其主要核心技术是采用了 激脉冲技术和跳时码调制。

  • Based on the dynamic force of the swash plate produced by pistons the dynamic mathematical models of swash plate supporting are constructed so as to get the key factors which affect the swash plate dynamic performance .

    在考虑柱塞对 盘的动态作用力的基础上,建立了斜盘支撑的动态数学模型,得出影响斜盘动态性能的关键因素。

  • The analysis shows that the tilt angle of swash plate 、 piston diameter and cylinder speed has the bigger influence to the force of piston .

    分析结果表明, 盘倾角、柱塞直径和缸体转速对柱塞所受作用力的影响较大。

  • Assign a unique name to each of the participants ( Swish Swash in this case ) .

    为每个参与者分配一个唯一的名称。(在本实例中为Swish Swash)。

  • Use same configuration steps to configure eBlade and Swish Swash .

    使用相同的配置步骤来配置eBlade和Swish Swash