symbolic logic

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˈlɑdʒɪk][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˈlɔdʒik]


  • Symbolic logic is the study of symbolic abstractions that capture the formal features of logical inference .

    符号 逻辑是象征性的研究抽象捕捉正规特点逻辑推理。

  • Firstly this paper abstracts and describes the component modeling structure by analyzing the composition of framework meta-model and applying the method of domain-oriented features model and describes the logic relation and semantic constraint between components by applying the symbolic logic formula .

    在分析了框架元模型组成元素的基础上,应用面向领域的特征模型的方法,对构件模型组织结构进行统一的抽象和描述,并用 命题 逻辑公式来表示构件之间的逻辑关系和语义约束;

  • This paper gives a symbolic model checking algorithm for the temporal logic CTL ~ .

    提出了一个关于时态 逻辑CTL的 符号 模型检测算法。

  • A person skilled at symbolic logic .

    熟练于 逻辑 符号的人。

  • I 'll just leave you with a little conundrum because that 's philosophical logic we 're not doing that here we are doing symbolic logic here .

    我会给你们一些难题因为,我们在做哲学逻辑,我们在做 符号 逻辑

  • To the lay mind symbolic logic can be very difficult .

    对外行的人来讲, 符号 逻辑可能非常难。

  • Since the introduction of symbolic logic logical syntax clearly shows formal feature .

    符号 逻辑的运用,使逻辑句法呈现出明显的形式化特征。

  • Finally the given symbolic logic formula can prove the rationality of component model and validity of framework extension .

    最后通过给定的 命题 逻辑规则公式来验证构件模型的合理性、框架扩展的正确性。

  • This dissertation detailedly investigate the symbolic logic and some typical techniques for low power FSM logic synthesis and optimization .

    论文详细讨论了低功耗有限状态机综合与优化中的 符号 逻辑和一些典型方法。

  • In modern quality engineering the widely used quality control method is based on the symbolic logic and statistics .

    现代质量工程中,经常采用的质量控制方法基本上是基于 数理统计原理的。

  • George Boole was an English mathematician who helped establish the field of mathematics called symbolic logic .

    乔治布尔是一名曾帮助建立数学邻域中 逻辑 符号的英国数学家。

  • From the perspective of symbolic logic the Existential Graphs is an abstract mathematical structure while the specific graphs on the sheet are the structure ' graphs replicas .

    符号 逻辑视角下的存在图是一个抽象的数学结构,页面上具体的图形是这个数学结构的图形副本。

  • The main Amateurish PE Universities are selected in Henan Province as research aims in this research in the forms of documentary method interviewing method questionnaire method logical analyzing method and symbolic logic statistical method .

    本研究选取人口排名全国第一的河南省各地市级业余体校作为研究对象,通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、逻辑分析法、 数理统计法等研究方法。

  • Symbolic logic is often divided into two branches propositional logic and predicate logic .

    符号 逻辑往往分为两个分支,命题逻辑和谓词逻辑。

  • Mathematical logic also known as symbolic logic was developed when people finally realized that the tools of mathematics can be used to study the structure of logic itself .

    数理逻辑,也称为 符号 逻辑,是当人们终于认识到,数学的工具可以用来研究的结构,逻辑本身。

  • Once symbolic system formed which will follow its own logic and play a role in the actual social life like really variables .

    象征 符号体系一旦形成将遵循自己的运作 逻辑,并像实在一样对实际社会生活发挥作用。

  • Metaphor can be seen from the mythological thinking of some of the original and narrative features of Greek mythology such as symbolic of the mythological narrative absurdity and special logic .

    从神话思维的隐喻 可见希腊神话某些原初性的叙事特征,如神话叙事的 象征 、荒诞性、特殊的 逻辑性等。

  • The symbolic view generally does not consider the specific cryptographic algorithm but see the message as symbol having special meaning then analyze the protocol whether it could achieve the anticipative goal using formal logic and theorem proof .

    符号观点一般不考虑安全协议使用的具体密码算法,而是把安全协议的安全特性抽象成一组可操作的符号,然后用形式 逻辑或定理证明的方法来分析协议是否能达到预期的安全目标。

  • For realizing symbolic substitution rules of binary addition . This paper proposes a simple optical logic system which includes only one 2-D array of optical bistable device .

    为了实现二进制加法 符号替换规律,本文提出了一种简单的光 逻辑系统,它仅包括一片二维列阵光学双稳器件。

  • Traditional leading economic growth theories mostly overlooked the study of institution factor while the new institutional economics ' study on the relation between institution and growth lacked precise symbolic logic and analysis .

    传统主流增长理论大多忽视了对制度因素的研究;而新制度经济学对制度与增长关系的研究又缺乏严密的 数理 演绎和分析。

  • The Logic-information method is one kind of theories of quantification and it is a comprehensive mathematical analysis method based on symbolic logic Comprehensive analysis and mathematical statistics .

    逻辑信息法是数量化理论的一种,该方法是以 数理 逻辑、组合分析及数理统计为基础的一种综合数学分方法。

  • Formal expression of rule is established based on symbolic logic firstly . The knowledge-based diagnosis method relevant theorems and rule indexing approach adaptive for fast diagnosis and knowledge evolvement online are established .

    为了便于快速诊断和规则的在线演化,本论文首先基于 数理 逻辑建立规则的一般表达方法,并在此基础上提出了适合知识在线演化的基于知识的诊断方法及相关定理和规则索引方法。

  • An operation that follows the rules of symbolic logic . Loosely a mathematical or logic operator .

    依据 数理 逻辑法则进行的操作或运算。不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。

  • The difference in the symbolic science did make the mode and the level of thinking in both of the nations the logic course of mathematics did not finished in ancient China and this had resulted in the lagging of the logic-course of the political though in ancient China .

    古代中国与希腊各不相同的 数理科学背景决定了思想家的思想方式和思维水平,中国古代数学没有完成 逻辑化的过程,相应地导致了中国传统政治思想哲理化过程的滞后。

  • In symbolic logic and mechanical theorem proving semantic resolution PI-clash is related to the order of electrons .

    符号 逻辑与定理机器证明的研究中,语义归结PI碰撞与电子排列次序有关。

  • The schoolwork came easily to me although I entered somewhat behind my class-mates in understanding that other method of symbolic logic : arithmetic .

    学校的作业对我来说不难,但我在另一种 象征 逻辑学数学方面的理解力就落后于同学。

  • Study on Cooperative Innovation Feat 's Symbolic Logic Model of U / I Knowledge Alliance

    U/I知识联盟协同创新绩效的 数理分析模型

  • A system of symbolic logic that represents individuals and predicates and quantification over individuals ( as well as the relations between propositions ) . The term Raba means roaming artist .

    表示个体,谓词,个体量化,和命题关系的一种 形式 逻辑。“热巴”:“热巴”一词,意为“流浪艺人”、也是人们对其表演形式的称谓。

  • Mathematical logic is an extension of symbolic logic into other areas in particular to the study of model theory proof theory set theory and recursion theory .

    数理逻辑的延伸 符号 逻辑到其他领域,特别是研究模型理论,证据理论,集理论,并递归理论。

  • In the game world the symbolic capital have many types and in children play the carrying logic of symbolic capital is diplex it is the copy and distortion of the substantiality world as well as the feebleness expedience in game world .

    在游戏世界中,儿童的 象征资本有不同的类型,且其运作 逻辑是双重的,既有对实体世界的复制与变形,又有游戏世界中的弱者权宜。