suspension points


  • The interior noises at driver 's ear position are calculated by means of admittance functions at suspension mounting points noise transfer functions from suspension mounting points to driver 's ear and suspension and tire parameters .

    借助于测得的车身是置连接 的导纳函数、 连接点到车内耳旁位置的噪声传递函数以及 置和轮胎参数,计算了由路面不平度所引起的车内耳旁噪声的大小。

  • The paper also simulate the vibration response of frame when suspension point were changed which indicates through comprehensive consideration with the mode of frame that it can get better oscillation damping affection to position the suspension points to the node of mode shape .

    本文还在模态集成模型上模拟分析了发动机 置点的变化时车架振动响应, 表明通过与车架的模态综合考虑,把 发动机 位置变换到车架模态振型的节点位置也有较好的减振效果。

  • Static emulation of horizontal boom with two suspension points for tower crane

    塔机双 水平起重臂全幅度工况静力学仿真

  • And in marked cars on the K & C characteristics of the slope as the goal in the ADAMS / Insight the target vehicle before and after the suspension hard points in the overall sensitivity analysis .

    并以对标车的K&C特性曲线的斜率为目标,在Insight模块对目标车前、后 悬架进行整体灵敏度分析。

  • The Computer Control System of Synchrostep Hoisting in Four Suspension Points For Balance Bridge


  • Accurate Expression of Whole Body Analysis for Outside Lifting Plane of Horizontal Boom with Multiple Suspension Points


  • The demon - stration on the electric corrosion is mainly dealt with its forming and influence factors while the key points for the line design is to select the suspension points with demonstration of good economy and high efficiency of the option with high suspension points .

    关于电腐蚀主要论述了其形成和影响因素;线路设计重点是 的选择,并论证了高挂点方案有良好的经济性和高效性。

  • A New Method to Determine Approximate Geometric Positions of Suspension Points on Rope Sling of Wire Antenna

    线天线大吊索 悬挂 几何位置的一种近似解

  • Design Principle for the Inner Cavity of One Sheet Slewing Hyperboloid of Axle Suspension Bush on Tractive Motor All points such as ?? and ?? lie on a surface of two sheets .

    牵引电机抱 轴瓦单叶回转双曲面内腔的设计原理所有象?缓旺?这样的 都位于一个双叶曲面上。

  • Of course if you choose to use suspension points I also do not object .

    当然,假如你选择使用 省略号,我也不反对。

  • Discussion About Influence of Joint Rigidity of Long Span Suspension Bridge with Stiffening Steel Truss Girder on Completed Bridge Working Points

    大型钢桁架 索桥节点刚度对成桥受力影响探讨

  • Influence on Simulation Result by Accuracy of Suspension Key Points in ADAMS Full Vehicle Modelling

    ADAMS整车建模中 悬架关键 精度对仿真结果的影响

  • In this background the paper raised a system integration scheme of electronic control suspension unit and powered steering unit and then designed the corresponding CAN-BUS control points .

    在此背景下,提出了电控 悬架与助力转向单元的系统集成方案,进而完成了相应的CAN-BUS控制 节点设计。

  • When the program is designed first choose SQL attributes in Dialog Box of Attributes in these groupwares click the Button with suspension points then can open the String List Editor dialog box and then SQL clauses can be added in the Dialog Box .

    设计程序时,在该组件的属性对话框中选择SQL属性,单击带 省略号的按钮,就可以打开StringListEditor对话框,然后就可以在对话框中添加SQL语句。

  • The model is comprised of the general rigid-body equations considering apparent mass and the modeling method of suspension system based on the assumption of equilibrium points .

    建立了这类系统的动力学模型,包括考虑附加质量的一般刚体动力学方程和基于平衡 假设的 吊挂系统建模方法。

  • Carboxyl groups content of various pulp suspension were determined by conductivity titration method detailed investigation was carried out some points for attention in determination were suggested .

    采用电导滴定法测定了不同 种的羧基含量,并 提出了测定过程中需要注意的 事项

  • The results show that compared with passive suspension semi-active suspension can effectively reduce acceleration response on the key points of the body .

    结果表明:相对于被动悬架,半主动 悬架能有效减小车体上关键 的加速度响应。

  • The stress distributions in the front suspension are calculated for some typical loading conditions to determine the sensitivities of the stresses at the key points ( high stress points ) to each force .

    计算了在一些典型工况下的应力分布,并就结构关键 (高应 力点)的应力对各方向载荷的敏感性进行了分析。

  • In view of the disadvantages of the present modeling methods for parachutes ( suspension ) systems a novel method based on static equilibrium of the middle points is presented .

    针对现有降落伞 吊挂系统建模方法的缺点,基于中间 的静力平衡条件提出了一种新的建模方法。

  • A new forming process for tapered suspension coil spring of Audi passenger car is introduced and the technique and key points the design of the new process are also analysed .

    介绍了奥迪轿车变截面 悬架螺旋弹簧棒料成形新工艺,对新工艺方案和设计 要点进行了分析。

  • This paper presents the composition of the secondary suspension system for Shanghai Metro vehicles and the working principle of the suspension leveling valve points out the design shortage of the suspension leveling valve and puts forward several technical measures aiming at improving the secondary suspension system .

    介绍了上海地铁车辆二系悬挂系统的组成及其 高度调节阀工作原理, 指出高度调节阀的设计缺陷,并提出了车辆二系悬挂系统的改进措施。

  • Regulations allow the designers to move the suspension mounting points within a sphere of20mm that is in and out up or down .

    条例允许设计者动议 暂停安装 范围内20毫米,这是中和了,上涨或下跌。