suspicious character

[səˈspɪʃəs ˈkærəktɚ][səˈspiʃəs ˈkæriktə]

[法] 可疑的人物

  • He has a highly suspicious character and never believes anyone .

    他是一个异常 多疑 ,从不相信任何人。

  • He spotted a suspicious character peeping into the house .

    他发现一个 形迹可疑 在向屋内窥视。

  • This method makes use of the twin-comparison approach to roughly detect the locations with suspicious transitions . The noise and flash light are eliminated by the character of the percent of the supporting points .

    该算法利用双子比较法来初步检测 可疑的镜头转换,并利用支持点 特性来判断切变,以此来剔除闪光灯和噪声的影响。

  • I think we can all agree that Malfoy looks a suspicious character .

    我觉得,大家都认为马尔福是个惹人 怀疑 角色

  • During the analyzing the data packages of the suspicious data flux the theme aiming at the character of the DDoS brings forward an algorithm to detect the DDoS intrusion .

    入侵行为发生时,对网络数据流进行拆包分析,针对 DDoS攻击的 特征,采用了相应的检测算法。

  • The police are watching themovements of the suspicious character carefully .

    警察正密切注意着那个 可疑 人物的行动。