


  • Analysis of the Influence of Erosion in the Nozzle Throat on Ballistic Behavious for 761 Sustainer

    761 发动机喷管喉部烧蚀对其内弹道性能影响之分析

  • To the additionally 30 regular regular CT values in the artery initial department belly sustainer of abdominal cavity 120 Hu will worth to arouse scanning . The time of reaching this value and the correlation between physiological factor were studied .

    对另外30例在腹腔动脉起始部腹 主动脉内固定CT值 120Hu为激发扫描 预定值,研究达到此值时的时间与生理因素之间的相关性。

  • The tentative design of constant altitude flight solid rocket composed of the sustainer the booster and its simple control method is presented .

    介绍了 发动机 助推器和简易控制方法实现固体火箭等高飞行的设计方案。

  • To Lijiang River Scenic Beauty forest vegetation is not only protector of ecological environment but also sustainer of Lijiang River runoff and the vital tourism resources .

    对于漓江风景区而言,森林植被既是 优良环境的 维护 ,也是 漓江径流的 维持 和重要的旅游资源。

  • The framework is a truss composed of radiation beam and transverse sustainer .

    天线 架是由辐射梁及其横向 支撑组成的桁架结构。

  • Structural Regulation of Agricultural Industry and Financial Sustainer

    农业产业结构调整与金融 支持

  • The performance of C801 missile is greatly improved by using sol-id rocket motor both in its booster and sustainer .

    C801导弹的助推器和 续航 发动机均采用固体火箭发动机,大大提高了其战斗性能。

  • A final report is presented for the Vega-1 sustainer ignition device development process including igniter arrangement and the formulations proper particle size and necessary weight of used ignition material as well as problems on the configuration and processing of bust diaphragm mounted on the nozzle .

    本文总结了 织女-1号 发动机点火装置研制过程,描述了其点火器构形设计,点火材料配方、粒度和用量的确定,以及喷管堵盖的结构、工艺等问题。

  • Detailed review on long-pulse TE CO_2 lasers based on Pulser / Sustainer technology is given . Characteristics of PFN ( Pulse-forming Network ) discharge are simulated by Pspice . A UV-preionized long-pulse TE CO_2 laser is built .

    本文首先系统地总结了基于 Pulser/Sustainer技术的长脉冲TECO2激光器的各种基本技术,并采用Pspice软件模拟了脉冲形成网络(PFN)在各种条件下的放电特点。

  • Be ware that everything living are manifested by these two energies of mine ; I am the creator the sustainer and the destroyer of all the worlds .

    要知道每一个生灵,都是由我的这两种能量所展现的。我是所有世界的创造者, 维系 和毁灭者。

  • Control and check of the injected caisson pile with chameleon pedestal sustainer

    可变 注浆灌注桩的控制与检测

  • The rocket reaches the predicted flight velocity after the operation of booster is finished then the sustainer starts work during which the thrust of rocket is equal to the resistance acting on the rocket while the lift of the rocket is equal to its weight .

    助推器工作结束后,火箭达到预定飞行速度,主 发动机开始工作,使火箭的推力等于其所受阻力,同时火箭产生的升力等于其重力,保证火箭可等速飞行;

  • God is our Creator and Sustainer .

    真主是我们的造物主及 支持者

  • Finally the thrust history of flight sustainer is determined by interior ballistics and performance computation .

    最后用内弹道计算和性能计算方法确定飞行 发动机 地面推力 数据

  • More and more reinforced concrete sustainer be used in deep foundation puddle in modern building but how to accurate calculate the horizontal deformed strength of reinforced concrete sustainer .

    当前,越来越多的钢筋混凝土 支撑用于深基坑工程,对于如何精确计算水平变形刚度,仍没有较完善的理论与方法。

  • At the prophase of embryonic development the secretion was the sustainer which can keep water content of the nidus waving in certain extent .

    产卵分泌物在胚胎发育的前期 到维持刻槽含水量 稳定在一定范围内的重要作用。

  • God alone is the Almighty the Creator the Sovereign and the Sustainer of everything in the whole universe .

    唯有真主是全能、造物者、主宰及宇宙 万物 支持者

  • The Ignition Device Development Final Report for the Vega-1 Sustainer

    织女-1号主 发动机点火装置研制总结报告

  • God is the Almighty the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe Who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him .

    上帝是万能的,宇宙的 创造者 维持 的,谁是类似什么,没有什么比得上他。

  • We believe that the triune God is the Creator the Sustainer and the Ruler of all Creation but is prior to and distinct from the Creation .

    三位一体的上帝创造、 维护并统管 宇宙 万物,但 先于一切受造物而存在,且与被造物有别。

  • Chapter one discusses the function of structural regulation in the new times and the relations between structural regulation and financial sustainer at first secondly explains some questions of structural regulation at last lists the main ideas of the article .

    第一章首先阐述了结构调整在新时期的作用及其与金融 支持之间的关系,然后对 农业结构调整中的一些问题进行描述,最后列出了本文的主要观点。

  • Study of P-T Curve Measuring Accuracy on Sustainer Motor Igniter

    续航点火具 P&T曲线测试精度问题研究

  • X-ray Inspection on Solid Charge of Rocket Sustainer

    火箭 发动机固体药 的X射线 照相检验