


  • The first part discusses Li Shimin 's military skills mainly from three aspects : his shooting skill horsemanship and swordsmanship .

    第一部分讨论作为一个军事统帅李世民所具备的军事技艺,主要从射术、骑术、 剑术和刀术三个方面论述。

  • In the warring state period toasting fork and walking rapier were in vogue with swordsmanship also gaining certain development .

    春秋战国时,斗剑、佩剑之风盛行, 剑术 相应得到发展。

  • Years ago he was once confident about his swordsmanship .

    几年前,他曾经对自己的 剑术自信。

  • In the martial arts films both the schools which the characters belonged in and the variety of swordsmanship and fistic arts had some kind of ethic color and connected with the higher morality of martial arts and society .

    包括武侠电影中的人物所皈依的不同武术门派,所采用的各种 剑术、拳法,其实都带有特定的伦理色彩,都会与武侠道义和社会道德相联系。

  • By then I really understand what the swordsmanship is !

    那时我才 感到这是真正的 剑术

  • This paper discusses complexity of Li Bai 's thoughts characterized not only by Confucianism but also Taoism Buddhism roving swordsmanship and strategist .

    李白思想复杂多样,不仅有传统的儒家思想,而且还有道家、佛家、 游侠、纵横家等 多种思想。

  • On Women Swordsmanship Style in Modern Time

    现代女子 剑术 技术风格研究

  • The question arises : What is the purpose of the study and application of geometry to swordsmanship ?

    问题出现了:在 剑术中几何学研究和应用的目的意图是什么?

  • Renowned for their swordsmanship these infantrymen are protected by light armour or later plate armour and an open helmet .

    这些步兵以 剑法而闻名,他们的铠甲在 开始的时候是轻装盔甲,后来 改用板甲和敞开式头盔。

  • This swordsmanship set is taught by a senior monk at the Shaolin Temple .

    这套 刀法是少林寺的高僧传授的。

  • My father-in-law was impressed with my swordsmanship .

    我的岳父对我的 剑术很赞赏。