


  • During garment deformation effective collision detection technology is a powerful sustentation for deformation technology .

    在服装的变形过程中,加入有效的碰撞检测技术是对服装变形技术的有力 支持

  • This paper relies on National Natural Science Fund Project Complex issue of Inhabitant Recombination and Travel Distribution and Research in its Model and Jilin Province Preeminence Youth Fund Sustentation Project Research in Macro-Traffic Flow Theory . The dissertation consists of six chapters .

    本论文是依托国家自然科学基金项目居民重组和出行分布中的复杂问题及模型研究和吉林省杰出青年基金 资助项目宏观交通流理论研究完成的。

  • The driving force of development is the engine to advance the economic growth the quality of development is the sustentation to guarantee the sustainability of environment and resources the equity of development is the capacity to avail all citizens .

    发展动力是推进经济增长的引擎,发展质量是环境资源可持续性的保障,发展公平是 惠及全体社会成员的能力。

  • The technology has uniquely style of plus and remove components in the live system it is diffusely applied under the sustentation of the software .

    该技术以其系统可带电插拔部件的独特技术风格,在计算机软件的 支持下,正得以广泛的应用。

  • The period the actuality the existent problem and the perfection of sustentation to student in Chinese colleges and universities are considered in this paper .

    本文简述了我国高校学生助学制度的发展状况,并对我国高校学生 资助制度现状、存在问题及完善进行了思考。

  • Knowledge based economy : the strategic sustentation of constructing Dalian into a modern international city

    知识经济:大连建设现代化国际城市的战略 支撑

  • The causing system innovation and theoretic sustentation for institutional enterprisers come from the demands for new systems service and the supply of advanced technology and the correlative special knowledge . By this deduce the three models about causing institutional innovation .

    制度企业家诱致 制度创新及理论 支持,源于对新制度服务的需求,以及先进的科学技术知识和相关专业知识的供给,由此演绎出诱致性制度创新的三种模型。

  • Sustentation fund The Gulbenkian Foundation gives money to help artists .

    (基督教会为接济教士所设的) 资助基金古尔班基基金会给艺术家以资助。

  • Therefore the administrative sustentation of the scientific research area is one of the administrative disposal actions in itself .

    所以,科研领域的行政 资助在本质上当属行政处理之一种。

  • Traffic transportation is the important sustentation in the process of economic development . In the process of industrialization traffic transportation is the main power to promote the development of economical social and speed up the industrialization process .

    交通运输是经济发展过程中的重要 支撑,在工业化进程中,交通运输是推动经济社会发展促进工业化进程加快的主要动力,与经济社会 相互影响, 相互 作用

  • Physical exercise as a kind of action includes several stages namely prerapture stage rapture stage preparation stage action stage and sustentation of achievement stage .

    体育锻炼作为一种行为活动,它包括几个不同的阶段,即前凝神阶段、凝神阶段、准备阶段、行动阶段和 维持获得阶段。

  • Research on Development of Non-state Economy and Financial Sustentation

    非国有经济发展与金融 支持研究

  • The sustentation of peace in a nation


  • Project supported by the Shanghai Postdoctoral Sustentation Fund China ( Grant No. ) .

    上海市 博士后基金(批准号:)资助的课题。

  • Because of the compensation and sustentation from large power grid grid-connected wind power has become the main technology in wind power generation .

    并网运行的风力发电由于得到大电网的补偿和 支撑,已成为风力发电的主流。

  • This article introduces the developed country 's financial policy in development of regional economic analyzes the actuality of development of regional economic and financial policy in our country raises the opinion of financial sustentation for development of Chinese west area .

    通过介绍发达国家在区域经济开发中的金融政策,分析我国区域经济开发与金融政策的现状,提出了对我国西部大开发的金融 支持 构想

  • Some consideration on the system of sustentation to student in Chinese colleges and universities

    对我国高校学生 资助制度的思考

  • The sustentation fund from Hunan province ' building science and technology project of is received in the process of the paper ' study ( Number of the fund is 2002-576-50 ) .

    本文得到了湖南省建设科技基金项目《钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构体系分析设计方法研究》 课题的资助(基金号 2002-576-50)。

  • Magnetic targeted drug carrier is the most fundamental sustentation for Magnetic Targeted Drugs Delivery System ( MTDS ) .

    磁靶向药物载体是磁靶向给药系统的最基本的 物质 支撑,载体的优劣直接关系到该系统能否有效发挥作用。

  • Reliability of theory and sustentation of practice indicate that process design system is viable under the environment of net .

    理论的可靠和实践的 支持表明,在网络环境中 构建工艺 规程设计系统是完全可行的。

  • An idea of emergency sustentation and cooperation control in power system is presented .

    对电力系统紧急控制,提出了 SVC的紧急 支持配合控制的设想。

  • Sustentation system for graduate is the important part of the educational cost-share system .

    研究生 资助体系是实施研究生教育成本分担制度的重要组成部分。

  • With the means of brand ecological management the paper mostly research on exterior function mechanism of strategy sustentation .

    而对于品牌生态管理手段,本文则着重开展了战略 支撑的外部运行机理研究。

  • Sustentation System Design for Virtual Test Technology of Electronic Circuit

    电子电路虚拟测试技术 支撑系统设计

  • Though the analysis of the unusual-methods of NSF sustentation fund management the article brings forth the innovation methods which the science foundation seeks for .

    通过对美国国家科学基金会 资助管理的一些非常规方法分析,阐明了科学基金以及基础研究如何追求和实现管理创新的方法。

  • Under the sustentation of the new ideas of international relations rising China can make countries all over the world fully believe China develops itself in safeguarding world peace and promotes the world peace with it 's own development .

    在这些国际关系新理念 支撑下,正在崛起的中国就能够使世界各国充分相信中国是在维护世界和平中发展自己,并以自身的发展来促进世界和平。

  • Technical manual is an essential part of weapon equipment system and also a very important sustentation in process of study usage and maintenance of equipments .

    武器装备技术手册是武器装备信息管理系统的重要组成部分,是装备研制、使用和维修保障的重要技术 支撑

  • To realize high-tech industrialization we need some conditions : factor condition requirement condition sustentation condition competition support and government support .

    要实现高技术产业化,需要一些条件。如:要素条件、需求条件、 支撑条件、竞争支持和政府支持等。

  • Performing the system of sustentation to student in Chinese colleges and universities has promoted the development of higher education and social economy in china .

    实行高校学生 资助制度,促进了我国高等教育和社会经济的发展。