swoop down on

[swup daʊn ɑn][swu:p daun ɔn]


  • As you say creditors are roosting in trees like vultures waiting to swoop down on anything valuable . In the absence of vultures they have been reduced to rigging their towers with solar reflectors to shrivel the corpses .

    你晓得,那些债主象兀鹰一般歇在树枝上,伺机 任何有价值的东西 下来。如果没有兀鹫的话,帕西人就不得不在高塔上装备太阳反射装置来把死尸照枯。

  • They will swoop down on to the fields which men have cultivated and devour every kind of harvest .

    它们会 突然 下降 人耕耘的田野 ,吞吃每一种的收成。

  • The hawk hovered in the sky waiting to swoop down on the rabbit on the ground .

    老鹰在空中盘旋,伺机 俯冲 地上的兔子。