swap block

[swɑp blɑk][swɔp blɔk]

[计] 交换函数

  • The result shows that rolling contact fatigue failures caused swap block defects of rail .

    结果表明, 缺陷的形成是由于钢轨滚动接触疲劳伤损所致。

  • This paper discusses the basic architecture and principle of RFD based on USB . Especially it explains the process of data transfer between PC and RFD data interim storage and swap technology and bad block processing technology .

    该文探讨了基于USB的可移动闪盘的基本结构和原理,着重阐述了PC与闪盘设备之间的数据传输过程,以及数据暂存与 交换技术和Bad Block处理技术。

  • Analysis on Swap Block on Tread of 50 kg / m Rail

    50kg/m钢轨踏面 缺陷分析