suspension time

[səˈspɛnʃən taɪm][səˈspenʃən taim]


  • It is feasible using adaptive controller to output the continuous damping . Because of the speciality of the controlling force of semi-active suspension system the system time delay has no influences on the system stability .

    用自适应控制器输出连续型阻尼的方法是可行的:由于半主动 悬挂系统控制力的特殊性,使得系统 时滞的影响不同于主动悬挂系统;

  • At the same time measured 2 mg / mL CoFe_2O_4 nanoparticles suspension concentration temperature and time in differ alternating magnetic field .

    然后用浓度为2mg/mL的CoFe2O4纳米 悬浮 在不同输出功率的交变磁场下测定温度随 时间的改变。

  • Carry the lightweight section insulator holding both suspension brackets at the same time .

    运送轻质分段绝缘器 ,应 同时具有两个 悬挂托架。

  • Conclusion The concentration and handing time of suspension slide-making method and staining time are important factors for an ideal flagellum staining .

    结论细菌鞭毛染色过程中菌 液的浓度、菌悬液的处理时间、制片方法以及染色 时间的长短等条件影响鞭毛染色效果。

  • The experimental results indicate that deposition of CNTs is enhanced with increasing of temperature and concentration of CNTs in the suspension and lasting of time . The results can be used to effectively position the CNTs on APTES SAMs and fabricate the nano-electronic devices with CNTs .

    结果表明,延长沉积 时间、提高沉积温度和CNTs在 分散 中的浓度均能增强CNTs在自组装膜上的沉积,为进一步有效控制CNTs定位和构建基于CNTs结构的纳米电子器件提供了帮助。

  • The lateral semi-active damper based on On / Off damping control laws was adopted in secondary suspension system . The time delay of the semi-active suspension system was taken into account .

    在客车二 悬挂系统中采用具有开关阻尼控制的横向半主动减振器,并考虑半主动悬挂系统的 时滞

  • Where contents of interim reports involve other matters the bourse may decide the suspension time and resumption time of the trading of shares and their derivatives of the company in accordance with specific conditions of related matters .

    临时报告的内容涉及其他事项的,本所可以根据有关事项的具体情况,决定公司股票及其衍生品种的 停牌和复牌 时间

  • Although the first aqueous emulsion and suspension polymerization were industrialized long time ago the polymerization promoted with Ziegler | Natta and Metallocene catalysts has difficulty in aqueous solution due to their high sensitivities to moisture .

    烯烃聚合领域中水相自由基乳液聚合和 悬浮聚合等方法 早已工业化,而前过渡金属烯烃聚合催化剂对水气敏感,水相烯烃配位聚合发展缓慢。

  • On the analysis of the buffeting for this suspension bridges use the time domain method and give up the frequency domain analysis method .

    在对本 悬索桥进行抖振分析 ,采用了 时域分析方法,而放弃了频域分析方法。

  • The preliminary study of severe hemorrhagic shock model found that anesthesia and fixed mode operation mode the operative field exposure time and red cell suspension infusion time may influence the preparation of hemorrhagic shock and rat model .

    在重度失血性休克模型的前期研究中发现麻醉与固定方式、手术方式、术野暴露时间以及红细胞 输注 时间等可能影响失血性休克复苏大鼠模型的制备。

  • In this paper the Kalman filtering method is applied to the construction control of the main cable erecting of suspension bridge for the first time .

    本文 首次将卡尔曼滤波法应用于 悬索桥主缆架设阶段施工控制。

  • Relationship of stability of fine suspension with surface potential and time

    微细粒 悬浮 稳定性判据与 时间及表面电位的 数学关系

  • The results show good effect of semi-active car suspension with MR damper and verify feasibility and advantage of MR damper in car suspension control and in the mean time provide a good future for the development of car absorption of vibration technology .

    本文研究证明了磁流变阻尼器在汽车半主动 悬架控制系统中良好的减振控制特性,为汽车减振技术的进一步发展提供了很好的前景。

  • Using the Maximum Coordinates Method to do kinematics simulation of the double-wishbone suspension system is the first time .

    应用最大数目坐标方法对汽车双横臂独立 悬架进行运动学分析,尚属 首例

  • Cross-arm suspension at the same time more than two sets of wire feeder .

    横臂上可以 同时 悬挂两套以上送丝机。

  • The experiments referring to the effect of the concentration of nano-sized nickel suspension temperature time and membrane pore size on the nano-sized nickel adsorption were carried out meanwhile the static adsorption and dynamic deposition data were measured .

    实验考察了纳米镍 悬浮 浓度、温度、 时间、陶瓷膜孔径等操作条件对纳米镍吸附行为的影响,测定了纳米镍在膜面上的静态吸附和动态沉积数据。

  • Methods : By two step method the rat muscle was digested with type I collagen and trypsin and the isolated cell suspension was purified by different adhesion time . Then the satellite cells were culture in different serum concentration in vitro .

    方法:采用I型胶原酶和胰蛋白酶两步消化法分离大鼠骨骼肌卫星 细胞,经差速贴壁法纯化后,在培养 中进行培养,观察不同血清浓度下,卫星细胞生长融合的 情况

  • Objective To improve the effect of eyebrow suspension and prolong the effective time we study the cause of periorbital senile change through theory and practice .

    目的为提高直接 上提术的效果,延长有效 时间,从理论与实际观察探讨眶周区域老年样改变形成的原因,采用相应的手术术式进行矫治。

  • In tail suspension test : The immobility time in 1.8 and 3.6 g / kg yujin groups was shorter than the control group ( 49 48 and 86 seconds respectively P 0.05 ) .

    尾实验结果:复方郁金胶囊 1.8剂量组小鼠不动 时间比对照组明显缩短(49,P0.05)。

  • Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for magneto-rheological suspension system considering nonlinearity and time delay

    具有非线性 时滞的汽车磁流变 悬架系统自适应模糊滑模控制

  • Contractor 's entitlement to suspension of work accounting for idle time

    停工 时间的会计处理 暂停工作,休息一下

  • In the tightrope test the suspension time of FEN group was significantly shorter than that of CON group ( P 0.05 ) .

    在紧绳实验中,FEN组小鼠 悬挂 时间显著短于CON组(Ps0.05)。

  • Application of optimal control of vehicle suspension system with time delay based on precise integral method

    精细积分在 时滞车辆 悬架最优控制中的应用

  • Due to various nonlinear factors in vehicle suspension the time domain method applicable to solve a nonlinear model can obtain more accurate ride analysis results .

    汽车 悬架中存在多种非线性因素,采用非线性模型的 时域求解可获得更准确的平顺性分析结果。

  • This subject bases on summarizing of several kinds suspensions which been used usually set up dual longitudinal arm with tortile spring suspension and rear longitudinal arm suspension entity model at the same time use the displacement matrix law to carry on kinematical analyse to this two kinds .

    本课题在总结了实际中常用的几种悬架的基础上,建立了双纵臂扭杆弹簧前悬架及后纵臂 悬架实体模型,应用位移矩阵法对这两种悬架进行了运动学分析。

  • Three methods were adopted in in-vivo resistant test 1.Add metalaxyl at different level and spore suspension at the same time ;

    在体内(活体)的抗性测定中采用了3种子方法1w_1220:(1)不同浓度的甲霜灵和孢子 (P.capsici) 同时加入体内的抗性测定。

  • The particles ' modality and size was tested with SEM and laser granularity instrument . The magnetic property was charactered by transmittance of suspension in given time and magnetic field .

    用SEM和激光粒度仪对Fe3O4/Au复合微粒的形貌和粒径进行了表征,用一定 时间 磁力吸附 悬浮 的透光率对Fe3O4/Au复合微粒的磁响应性进行了表征。

  • Because of geometry and aerodynamic force nonlinear are obvious for suspension bridge the analysis of time domain method can reaction time history of buffeting response .

    索桥几何与气动非线性都比较明显,采用 时域分析方法可以反应抖振响应的时间历程。