


  • That plan is the reason Sutler no longer trusts you .

    就是这计划 使 苏特勒不再相信你。

  • The bill proposed by the undersecretary for defense Adam sutler .

    国防部主席亚当 苏特勒通过了一项的法案。

  • That 's why sutler 's been kept underground for security purposes .

    这就是为什么 苏特勒将地铁 封闭了的原因。

  • Jim Sutler and his donkey arrived at the wooded Indian well about noon .

    吉姆 · 得乐和他的驴子中午左右来到树木繁茂的印地安水泉。

  • Somebody run off with the sutler 's wife ?

    或者是有 随军 商贩的老婆私奔了?

  • I heard sutler 's going to make a public statement tonight .

    我听说 苏特勒今晚要发布公开演说。

  • And then Sutler will be forced to do the only thing he knows how to do .

    苏特勒 就会 要求 我们我们唯一能做的事。