sustained load

[səˈstend lod][səˈsteɪnd ləud]


  • Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Column Confined by CFRP under Sustained Load

    CFRP 加固混凝土柱的有限元分析

  • In this group no spiral fractures of distal tibia occurred . One specimen sustained comminuted distal tibial fracture due to violent vertical load and the other specimens sustained subluxation or dislocation of ankle joints .

    本组标本均未发生胫骨干骨折,1例因轴向 负荷过大导致胫骨 远端粉碎骨折,其余各例发生踝关节半脱位或脱位。

  • The major random contributions to structural stress are the uncertainties of prediction model of creep and elastic modulus meanwhile the influence of magnitude of sustained load cannot be ignored also .

    徐变模型不确定性和混凝土弹性模量随机性是影响时变应力的重要随机变量,同时 荷载大小的随机性同样不能忽略。

  • It is very important to study the influence of hydrogen environment on thermodynamical properties of Ti alloy and their fracture mechanics on sustained load crack growth in hydrazine environment at elevated temperature .

    进行氢对其热力学性能的影响的试验研究,以及较高温度下肼环境中 持续 载荷裂纹生长断裂力学的试验研究十分重要。

  • Sustained load tensile test method of metals for resistance to sulfide stress corrosion cracking

    GB/T4157-1984金属抗硫化物应力腐蚀开裂 负荷拉伸试验方法

  • Finite Element Analysis on Mechanical Properties of FRP-confined Concrete Columns with Sustained Load


  • Due to the air transmission corridor constraints of large cities and the sustained rapid growth of city load pure AC lines can no longer meet the needs of social and economic development .

    由于大中城市的空中输电走廊的限制和 不断发展的城市 负荷,纯交流线路的城市配电网络已经越来越不能满足社会和经济发展的需求。

  • Propagation process of indentation cracks in air and water under a sustained load for PZT-5 ferroelectric ceramics

    PZT-5铁电陶瓷 载荷压痕裂纹在空气和水中的扩展过程

  • The effect of sustained uniaxial compressive load on the permeability of concrete was studied by a load-permeation testing device with pressed spring loads .

    用以受压弹簧为荷载的压力渗透实验装置研究了 持续单向压 荷载 作用对混凝土的水渗透性的影响。

  • Study on Tension Behavior of Waterproofing under Sustained Load

    持续 荷载 作用下防水卷材拉伸性能的研究

  • At the same time because the tests under sustained load have a long period and take a lot of labor this study has preliminarily to make the computer simulation analysis on the preloaded concrete columns strengthen with FRP .

    同时,本文还针对 试验周期长、费工费时的特点,采用计算机模拟的方式对于FRP持载加固混凝土矩形柱试验的分析进行了初步的探讨。

  • So it would be variable and widely used in the future to do the research on concrete structures confined by FRP under sustained load .

    因此,对FRP 加固混凝土结构的研究具有重要的工程价值和广泛的应用前景。

  • In this paper the developing process of deformation and stress in eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete columns under sustained load is described .

    本文对 长期 荷载作用下钢筋混凝土偏心受压柱的内力和变形进行了试验和理论研究。

  • Not load the regional stress intensity change significantly the role of groundwater seepage significant impact on the corresponding field . ( 3 ) Sustained by the load the fractured rock in all directions on the displacement of little change displacement do not changes with time .

    未受荷载作用的区域应力强度变化明显,地下水渗流作用对应力场影响显著。(3) 持续 荷载 作用 ,裂隙岩体在各个方向上的位移变化不大,位移随时间的变化也不大。

  • Conclusions High sustained high G_x load will not lead to significant pathological changes in oral mucosal epithelia but can induce enhanced expression of HSP-70 in the tissue .

    结论高 +Gx环境中猴口腔黏膜上皮组织 结构未见改变,上皮细胞HSP70表达明显增强。

  • Permeability of concrete under sustained compressive load

    持续荷载 作用下混凝土的渗透性

  • As the existence of cracks in the dam the crack will continue to expand by the role of sustained load eventually lead to further dam material brittle fracture thus speeding up the structural failure .

    由于坝体裂缝的存在,在 荷载 持续作用下,裂缝可能会不断扩展,最终导致坝体材料的进一步脆性断裂,从而加速了结构的失效。

  • Sustained by the framework the paper manages the QoS history at the service invoking and then forcast the actual QoS based on the load of the service .

    在此框架的 支撑下,对服务被调用时所表现出的的QoS历史经验进行管理,并以此为基础结合服务的实际 负载对服务的真实QoS进行预测。

  • This article introduces some contents relative to the test and assessment for function under sustained load & test items test methods assessment terms .

    本文主要介绍了安全性评估中 长期 持续 荷载作用下性能检测的相关内容&试验内容、检测方法及评估条件;

  • A Time-effect Model for Concrete Compressive Strength under Sustained Load

    持续 荷载下混凝土抗压强度的时效模型

  • The relationship between softening rate and temperature and holding time at sustained load was analysed with the mathematical statistics .

    用数理统计方法对 软化率、温度、保 时间进行分析,计算出12Cr1MoV钢在一定温度范围内的挤压应变激活能。

  • The results showed that in text reading pupil diameter decreased with fatigue whereas increased with mental load and persisted with sustained mental load ;

    结果表明:在文本阅读中,疲劳会使瞳孔缩小,心理负荷增大会使瞳孔放大,一定的心理 负荷可以起到 维持瞳孔大小不变的作用;

  • Research on Freeze-Thaw Resistance Behavior of Bonded Joints between CFRP and High Strength Concrete under Sustained Load
