surplus pressure

[ˈsɚpləs ˈprɛʃɚ][ˈsə:pləs ˈpreʃə]


  • Normally the trade surplus creates appreciation pressure as corporates sell dollars and buy renminbi says Eddie Cheung forex strategist with Standard Chartered in Hong Kong .

    正常情况下,贸易 顺差会造成升值 压力,因为企业会卖出美元,买进人民币,香港渣打银行(StandardChartered)外汇策略师EddieCheung说。

  • The widespread use of techniques such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing or fracking has led to a boom in gas production in the US creating a surplus that has depressed prices and put many operators under pressure .

    在诸如水平钻井、水力压裂等技术的广泛应用下,美国的天然气产量大幅提高,进而造成 供过于求 局面,这不仅打压了价格,也给许多天然气企业带来了 压力

  • With the current economics development and structure upgrade structural contradictions in the domestic labor supply and demand become more prominent and structural surplus labor force more serious making a huge employment pressure .

    随着经济的发展,国内经济结构升级,劳动力供求结构性 过剩的矛盾愈加突出,就业 压力巨大。

  • Rural industries can provide a large number of jobs . Therefore the expansion of rural industrialization is a crucial way to digest the 150 million surplus workforces facing the heavy pressure of employment in towns .

    当前农村工业提供了大量的就业岗位,在城镇就业 压力较大的情况下,推进农村工业化是吸纳我国农业 剩余劳动力的重要途径。

  • High foreign exchange reserves and the double surplus of current account and capital account have given severe pressure to the central bank to maintain the RMB exchange rate stability .

    高额外汇储备和经常项目与资本项目的双 顺差给央行的汇率政策以及维持人民币汇率稳定带来了巨大 压力

  • Since the twenty-first century trading surplus and RMB appreciation pressure resulted in weakened control power of the central bank against the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves enlarged fluctuation of money multiplier and weakened controllability of money supply .

    进入21世纪年以来,主要由于贸易 顺差和人民币升值 压力的增加,央行对外汇占款的控制力逐渐减弱,同时货币乘数波动幅度不断增大,货币供应量的可控性越来越弱。

  • The central bank itself highlights risks including bank loan growth a large current account surplus and rising inflation pressure .

    中国央行自己也在强调各种风险,包括银行贷款增长、巨额经常账户 盈余和上升中的通胀 压力

  • But that insulation also means that money flowing into China through investment and the trade surplus has a much harder time leaving adding further pressure on the currency to appreciate and flooding the economy with cash .

    不过,这种隔绝也意味着,通过投资和贸易 顺差流入中国的资金,撤出的时候也很艰难这给人民币进一步增添了升值 压力,而且让这个经济体充满了资金。

  • The continued balance of payments surplus bring us appreciation pressure of RMB .

    人民币的升值 压力 于我国持续的国际收支 顺差

  • Like japan China has high rates of saving and investment low real interest rates soaring asset prices a big current-account surplus and upward pressure on its currency .

    与日本类似,中国储蓄和投资的比率很高,过低的真实利率和资产价格开始飙升,巨大的贸易 顺差,货币面临上调的 压力

  • The mode of foreign capital promotes Chinese trade especially the development of processing trade expands the trade surplus and increases the foreign exchange reserves . The trade surplus and foreign exchange reserves form pressure on the appreciation of RMB .

    外资代工模式促进了我国对外贸易,尤其是加工贸易的发展,扩大了贸易顺差,增加了外汇储备,而贸易 顺差的扩大和外汇储备的增长又对人民币升值形成了 压力

  • The falling trade surplus could ease pressure on China to accelerate the appreciation of the renminbi in a year when US election politics have turned up the rhetoric over Chinese trade policies .

    贸易 顺差 收窄有望减轻 外界 要求中国加快人民币升值的 压力。在进入大选年的美国,政界对中国贸易政策的批评之声已经有所加大。

  • However persistent trade surplus and extraordinary foreign exchange reserves bring further pressure to the appreciation of RMB .

    由于我国持续的贸易 顺差和巨额的外汇储备,人民币仍面临着进一步升值的 压力

  • Only hours after Eurozone finance ministers said the renminbi 's exchange rate should more accurately reflect China 's vast and growing current account surplus but China indicated it would not yield to foreign pressure .

    欧元区财长们昨日表示,人民币汇率应该更加准确地反映中国庞大且继续增长的经常账户 盈余。但仅仅几个小时后,中国方面就表示,不会屈从于外国 压力

  • Chongqing municipality as urban and rural development with major cities and rural characteristics of unemployment in urban areas and more rural surplus labor force employment pressure is relatively large .

    重庆市作为统筹城乡发展的直辖市,具有大城市、大农村的特点,城镇失业人员和农村 剩余劳动力较多,就业 压力比较大。

  • China recorded its first quarterly trade deficit in seven years in the January to March period but the unexpectedly large surplus in April will increase international pressure on Beijing to allow faster appreciation of its tightly controlled currency the renminbi .

    今年第一季度,中国出现了贸易逆差,为七年来首次。但4月份出人意料的巨额 顺差将加大国际社会对北京方面的 压力要求其允许受到严格管控的人民币加快升值步伐。

  • Meanwhile with the huge surplus and foreign exchange reserves the revaluation pressure is also growing with serious macroeconomic imbalances .

    与此同时,伴随着 持续 顺差和外汇储备的快速增长,人民币的升值 压力也越来越大,宏观经济内外失衡严重。

  • In fact the main driver of China 's trade surplus is excess supply pressure at home .

    事实上,中国贸易 顺差的主要动力在于国内的过剩供给 压力

  • Effect of displacement efficiency on the surplus of compressor programmed pressure gas chromatography

    输气系数对压缩机选型 宽余 的影响程序 变压气相色谱法

  • Encountering the surplus pressure the small and medium-sized enterprises lack cooperation and specialization and strive in a worsening environment .

    面对生产相对 过剩 市场 压力,缺乏分工协作的中小企业,生存环境日趋恶化。

  • China 's ballooning trade surplus puts Beijing under international pressure to let its currency rise against the dollar so analysts expect the yuan to keep appreciating albeit gradually .

    我国贸易 顺差膨胀使北京在国际 压力下,让中国的货币对美元汇率升值,因此分析家们预期人民币将升值慢慢。

  • However we cannot be optimistic about the profits this business brings us . The surplus of the hotel rooms the increasing pressure of withdrawing its investment and the buyer-dominated market from the seller-oriented intensify the competition among hotels .

    然而,饭店的经济效益却不容乐观,饭店客容能力的 过剩和投资回收的 压力日益增大,供求关系由卖方主导的市场转向买方主导的市场,加剧了饭店企业之间的竞争。

  • The Best Over - surplus Calculation of Combined Tubes under Interior Pressure

    组合筒在内 作用下最佳过 计算

  • Qatar is expanding its gas export capacity in spite of concerns about a surplus in global supplies placing downward pressure on prices particularly in the US .

    卡塔尔正在扩充其天然气出口产能,尽管市场上有人担心,全球天然气供应 过剩,正在给价格造成下行 压力,尤其是在美国市场。

  • While growth momentum had remained strong in mainland china the trade surplus had remained large putting pressure on Liquidity Expansion in the banking system .

    虽然中国内地的增长势头维持强劲,但贸易 顺差仍然大,对银行体系的流动资金扩张构成 压力

  • The Over Surplus Quantity Reliability Design of Hydraulic Pressure Sheath Screw Propeller

    螺旋桨 液压套合过 量的可靠性设计

  • Meanwhile numerous surplus labor force swarmed into cities under the pressure of present situation causing the supply of rural public service got into difficulties .

    同时也因为利益的驱使和现状的 迫使,又导致了一大批 农村 剩余劳动力涌向城镇,使得农村公共服务的供给更处于一种困境之中。

  • The growing trade surplus has led to frequent trade friction while the large international payments surplus has increased the pressure for appreciation of the Chinese currency .

    这不断增长的贸易 顺差导致频繁的摩擦,与此同时巨大的 &增加了人民币升值的 压力