

n.独得的赌金赌金独得赛马比赛赌金的独得,彩票( sweepstake的名词复数 )

  • In-store and packaging-based promotion includes everything from putting athletes on boxes to sweepstakes and from in-box prizes to products that boast philanthropic donations with every purchase .

    店内营销和立足于产品包装的推广方式包括把运动员的形象印在包装上,包装内 附送奖品以及通过把捐赠与单次购买捆绑的方式。

  • The techniques of sales promotion are varied and numerous . The common ones used are coupons sweepstakes games contests price-offs demonstrations premiums samples and money refund offers .

    普遍运用的手段有附在商品上的赠券、各种 抽奖 活动、游戏、竞赛、降价销售、产品示范、各种奖励、样品试验以及钱款返还承诺等等。

  • This is a sweepstakes offer . it 's not a real check .

    这是牛排 赠品 ,不是真的支票。

  • US National Champion Breeders Sweepstakes Yearling Colt with the highest points ever awarded by the judges using the European Judging System .

    美国全国冠军育种 抽奖一岁马驹使用欧洲评审系统的法官颁发过的最高点。

  • Among the other bidders in the Matsuzaka sweepstakes were the New York yankees .

    这就是 在其他竞标松坂大辅的竞争者之间,纽约洋基队。

  • This is the address we have on his sweepstakes form .

    这是他 抽奖 上填的住址。

  • Disco universe sweepstakes are just a week away .

    迪斯科 大奖 开幕 还有一周。

  • But it will take more than the right investments to win these sweepstakes .

    但要想 获利,需要做的将不仅仅是正确的投资。

  • After dutifully inspecting the sweepstakes form she turned to him .

    在认真检查 中奖表格后,她转向了他。

  • Personal information is only used to fulfill your requests and requirements e.g.within the context of a service a survey a sweepstakes or an inquiry .

    我们在您的许可范围内使用您的个人信息, 的个人信息用于了解 的要求和需要。

  • And this bid only pays the Seibu Lions Matsuzaka 's current employers for his rights . Among the other bidders in the Matsuzaka sweepstakes were the New York Yankees .

    这个金额只支付给西武狮队,松坂现在的东家。这就是 在其他竞标 松坂大辅的竞争者之间,纽约洋基队。

  • Maybe you won a sweepstakes .

    也许你中了 彩票