support a charge

[səˈpɔrt e tʃɑrdʒ][səˈpɔ:t ə tʃɑ:dʒ]

[法] 支持控告

  • Peder veiby was trying to earn some money in the stock market to support his studies at the Norwegian School of management when he was hit by a criminal charge for alleged market manipulation .

    当收到涉嫌市场操纵的刑事 指控时,彼得韦比(pederveiby)正尝试着在股市里赚点钱,以 支持自己在挪威管理学院(norwegianschoolofmanagement)的学业。

  • To support the customer to run a shop we periodically provide the shelves free of charge .

    支持客户 开店,公司将在定期 免费赠送货架。

  • Statistical Analysis on Papers and Citations in Journal of Educational Studies during 2005-2008 Certainly the evidence cited in the Redacted Report does not support such a serious and sweeping charge .

    《教育学报》2005-2008年引文与引证分析显而易见,考克斯报告中引用的证据不能 支持 如此严重的全面的 指责

  • Kampala accused Sudan 's central government in Khartoum of providing support to the LRA a charge Khartoum denies .

    坎帕拉指责在喀土穆的苏丹中央政府提供圣主抵抗军 予以 帮助,喀土穆否认此 指控

  • Since the wife had no way to support herself it was her husband 's job to see that she did not become a public charge .

    既然妻子无能力 养活自己,那么做丈夫的就有责任确保她不 成为社会的 负担