sweet well

[swit wɛl][swi:t wel]

[经] 低硫油井

  • I have an excessive regard for Jane Bennet she is really a very sweet girl and I wish with all my heart she were well settled .

    我非常关心吉英·班纳特她倒的确是位 可爱的姑娘我诚心诚意地希望她 好好儿攀门亲事。

  • Lechang large grain chestnut fruit meat sweet rich in nutrition is well known for both inside and outside the province one of the best-selling products .

    乐昌板栗果实粒大、肉 ,富含营养,远近 闻名,为省内外畅销产品之一。

  • Aromas of apple spicy and sweet vanilla as well as roasted flavours .

    带有苹果、香料、 香草 烘烤类的香气;

  • As you dance to the sweet sweet melody take in important details such as the artist as well as the year it was released .

    当你跟着 甜美的旋律翩翩起舞时,重点留意一下这首歌的细节信息,例如,艺术家 以及发行年份这类信息。如果你留意了这些相关信息, 那么恭喜你!

  • Like the chocolate melt in the mouth bitter but sweet as well as .

    象一颗巧克力在嘴中化开的感觉,苦涩但 甘甜

  • Her sweet and mellow voice carries well .

    她的嗓音 圆和 洪亮

  • Japanese experts to test the data showed that the tumor suppressor role : sweet potato cauliflower water spinach cauliflower celery eggplant sweet pepper such as doing well .

    日本专家的测试资料表明,就抑癌作用而言:红薯、花椰菜、空心菜、花菜、芹菜、茄子、 甜椒等表现 不俗

  • You say life tastes sweet as well as bitter .


  • Sichuan Province is one of the main distributed areas of sweet osmanthus in China so it is very important to conduct the research of the resources of sweet osmanthus cultivars in Sichuan Province as well as the classification and landscape utilization .

    四川地区是我国桂花的原产地之一,资源丰富、品种众多, 做好该地区的 桂花品种资源调查和品种分类工作,对于摸清我国的桂花资源和申报桂花品种国际登录权具有十分重大的意义。

  • Customers can also enjoy sweet treats and refreshments the latest fashion magazines as well as expert personal shopping advice .

    消费者可以享受 美好的待遇和茶点、最新的时尚杂志 以及专业的导购意见。

  • Effect of light intensity on tissue-cultured plantlets in sweet pepper were tested . The results indicated the cultures proliferated well under 1000 ~ 1500Lx and the plantlets rooted well under 1500 ~ 2000Lx .

    研究了光照强度对甜椒组织培养的影响,结果表明光强1000~ 1500Lx有利于 甜椒组培物的增殖,光强1500~2000Lx利于甜椒生根。

  • Good medicine with sweet taste cures disease as well . You only need a try to convince yourself of it . What 's your oral examination ? And your written ?

    良药 同样能治病,不信请君试一试。你的口试情况怎么样?笔试呢?

  • We investigated and analysed 14 introduced domestic sweet and waxy corn varieties and chose sweet and waxy corn varieties that they can been planted well in xinjiang climate by appraising their yields outside quality and taste .

    对引进种植的14个国内甜、糯玉米调查分析,综合产量、外观品质和适口性评价,筛选 适合于新疆气候条件下种植利用的 、糯玉米品种。

  • Lord I didn 't have no sweet woman ooh well babe in my distress .

    老天爷,我找不到 甜蜜爱人,唉 ,宝贝,我精疲力竭。

  • Sweet Rye Bread has a nice taste that goes well with salads soups and most main courses requiring something to complement the meal .

    甜味黑面包配上沙拉或汤味道是非常 不错的,配许多需要一些补充料的主菜也同样很好。

  • Sugar worsens the effect so sweet cocktails are well known for the unpleasant hangovers they produce .

    糖会让这种效果更糟糕,因此 的鸡尾酒 出名,它能造成不舒服的宿醉。

  • Effect of SA and ABA on Storage of Sweet Cherry Our traditional product waxberry is sold well in international market with sweet and small kernel .

    水杨酸和脱落酸对 樱桃保鲜效果的影响我镇的传统产品&杨梅具有果大、甜、小之特点,已实现了鲜梅 远销海外。

  • I would never suggest a sweet wine in northern China even though it would go well with the food in theory because it is not culturally part of the local palate she says .

    我绝不会在中国北方推荐 甜味葡萄酒,尽管理论上说,它和食物 相处 融洽,因为从文化角度说, 甜味不在当地饮食品味之列她说。

  • Someone sweet and well mannered .

    某人 还有 守规矩。

  • Style : Sweet white full bodied complexity fruits character and well balanced .

    风格: 白,酒体丰满, 果味复杂。

  • Sucralose is a perfect and competitive sweetener as its high sweetness strong security powerful stability pure sweet as well as no energy .

    三氯蔗糖具有甜度高、无能量、安全性强、稳定性高 以及 甜味纯正等优点,是一种极具竞争力的完美甜味剂。

  • Over eight years'experience of sweet flavor research knowing well of the flavor debugging for oral care or beverage dairy products confection and biscuit .

    八年以上食品香精 调香经验: 熟悉牙膏、饮料、乳制品、糖果、饼干香精的调试;有烘焙耐温食品香精经验。

  • It has dark color and sweet smell medium sourness well controlled aftertaste no acerbity .

    色较深, 香味充分,酸度适中,回味涩度控制的 ,无涩味。

  • You might think of coconut as the sweet topping on German chocolate cake but this fruit has plenty of health benefits as well .

    提到椰子,你可能会想到德国巧克力蛋糕上那 凸起的装饰配料,其实这种水果对人体健康有着诸多好处。

  • The ale was sweet as well .

    淡啤酒 香甜

  • Shakespeare said If we call a rose by any other name it would smell sweet as well .

    莎士比亚曾说过:如果我们把‘玫瑰’称为其他的名字,它依旧 香甜

  • Sudden is the downfall of Babylon and her destruction : make cries of grief for her ; take sweet oil for her pain if it is possible for her to be made well .

    巴比伦忽然倾覆毁坏。要为她哀号。为止她的疼痛,拿 乳香或者可以治

  • Our Chinese chestnut had good color high sugar content sweet succulent fine and glutinous ; it was go down well with domestic and foreign .

    我国板栗色泽 ,含糖量高、风味 香甜、肉质细糯,受到国内外客商的欢迎。

  • Not that it is n 't a very sweet frock darling but & well it does look a bit worn .

    并不是说这一件不 好看,亲爱的,可是 ,它显得有点旧了。