sweet oil

[swit ɔɪl][swi:t ɔil]


  • Study on the microencapsulation of sweet orange oil

    微胶囊技术生产固体 甜橙 精油的研究

  • Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Sweet Orange Oil by GC / MS

    甜橙 化学成分的GC-MS分析

  • Premix was formed with wall ( consisting of maltodextrin Arabic gum modified starch and maltose ) core ( sweet orange oil ) surfactant ( such as Tween 20 ) and a little amount of water .

    预混料包括壁材(包括麦芽糊精、变性淀粉、阿拉伯胶和麦芽糖)、芯材( 甜橙 )、小分子乳化剂(如Tween20)和少量水(起增塑作用)。

  • Sweet orange peel oil was taken as experimental material of extraction condition . This paper systemically studied the influence of grind dree temperature pressure static extraction and dynamic extraction on the extraction rate . The bases for batch process were provided .

    采用 橙皮作为实验材料,研究在超临界状态下,粉碎度、温度、压力、静态萃取与动态萃取对 油脂萃取率的影响,为批量生产提供了依据。

  • Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin Mr Bloom said and then orangeflower water

    杏仁 、安息香酊剂,布卢姆先生说,还有香橙花液

  • In Provence you will find dishes made with garlic sweet tomatoes and olive oil . Provence is also famous all over France for its delicious wine .

    在普罗旺斯你会找到用大蒜、 西红柿和橄榄 调制而成的佳肴,这儿的美酒在法国也很有名。

  • In addition their behavior studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) and infrared ( IR ) techniques revealed that complexation did occur between sweet orange oil and beta-cyclodextrin .

    另外从产品的差示扫描量热法(DSC)和红外光谱(IR)的分析结果可以初步认定 甜橙 与β-环糊精发生了相互作用形成了新的复合物。

  • Sweet and tart blackcurrant oil cushions the lips with plumping fatty acids .

    甜酸的黑加仑 配以脂肪酸,使唇部丰润动人;

  • The sweet almond oil is high content of unsaturated fatty acids the long-term storage of it would easily to be oxidized resulting in the loss of nutrients and the decline in the quality which was researched in this paper .

    本文针对 杏仁 中不饱和脂肪酸含量高,长期存放很容易被氧化,造成营养损失和品质下降等问题展开研究。

  • Sudden is the downfall of Babylon and her destruction : make cries of grief for her ; take sweet oil for her pain if it is possible for her to be made well .

    巴比伦忽然倾覆毁坏。要为她哀号。为止她的疼痛,拿 乳香或者可以治好。

  • Flavor Release of Microencapsulated Sweet Orange Oil on High Temperature

    微胶囊化 甜橙 在高温下的释放

  • Contains sweet almond oil coconut oil beewax olive oil coca butter and mango butter .

    杏仁 、椰子油、蜜腊、橄榄油、可可脂、芒果脂。

  • Release of microencapsulated sweet orange oil on different relative humidity condition

    不同相对湿度下微胶囊化 甜橙 释放的研究

  • Preparation of Heat-resistant Microencapsulated Sweet Orange Oil by Spray-drying

    喷雾干燥法制备耐高温型微胶囊化 甜橙

  • More primary products and less deep processing of high value-added products were the main problems of the sweet almond oil processing industry in Xinjiang which was researched in this paper .

    本文针对新疆 杏仁 加工产业中初级产品多、精深加工的高附加值产品少这一问题展开研究。

  • The premium that the market gave light sweet crude oil which is well-suited for making diesel has dwindled as diesel demand has shrunk .

    适于生产柴油的轻质 低硫 原油的溢价也随着柴油需求的萎缩而降低。

  • I almost always use sweet almond oil as my carrier .

    每次用 精油都记得要先 冲淡

  • With pure essential oil jojoba oil sweet almond oil & milk protein .

    含纯精油、荷荷葩油、 杏仁 及牛奶蛋白。

  • GC-MS Study on the Essential Oil of Citrus Peel ⅱ . The Analysis on the Sweet Orange Oil

    柑桔属果皮精油的GC-MS分析&Ⅱ. 甜橙 的分析

  • New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX ) prices for February delivery of light sweet crude oil stood at51.88 U.S.dollars per barrel on Thursday he lowest since May2005 .

    上星期二纽约商业交易所二月份交货的轻质 低硫 原油价格维持在每桶51.88美元,这是自2005年5月份以来的最低价格。

  • Dry Matter of Sweet Potato vs Oil Content and Hardness of Fried Chips

    甘薯品种干率与油炸薯片 含油量和硬度间的相关性

  • Brush ring : mixes sweet ash falling into oblivion and rape oil half and half in order to wipes golden ring can brush ring glodenly .

    擦戒指:将 湮灰与 菜油各半混合,用以擦拭金戒指,可将戒指擦得金光闪闪。

  • Although there is no real shortage of energy resources with the the shortage caused by production structural imbalance in sweet and sulfur crude oil the global oil market has been to some extent a seller 's market .

    尽管供应方面不存在资源性短缺,但 结构性短缺仍将持续,世界 石油市场在一定程度上由买方市场向卖方市场过渡。

  • Lipid Composition and Microencapsulation of Sweet Almond Oil

    杏仁 成分分析及不同壁材微胶囊化的特性

  • The effects of extracts from the peels and pithes of sweet potato and potato as antioxidants in soy oil were investigated by using the active oxygen methed ( AOM ) and a new ferric thiocyanate filter paper method .

    用活性氧法(AOM)及滤纸硫氰化铁新法研究了 甘薯与马铃薯皮部与肉部提取物对大 豆油的抗氧化活性。

  • The US supply surge is light and sweet and has created a glut of this kind of oil globally .

    美国大幅增加的供应量是轻质 低硫原油,这已导致全球这类 原油供过于求。

  • The crude food materials lemon oil and sweet orange oil were extracted by 60 % alcohol according to the weight rate of 10:1 . The extracts mixed with potassic salt to form the solutions which can be used as additives for tobacco .

    用60%的酒精按重量比10:1萃取天然食品原料柠檬油或 甜橙 中水溶性的香味物质,与钾盐一起配成溶液,作为卷烟添加剂使用到卷烟中;