supporting document


  • Supporting many persons to operate on a document at the same time is a basic function in collaborative editing system .

    协同编辑系统 支持多人同时对同一 文档进行操作,其中的版本控制问题与单用户编辑器相比显得更为复杂,尤为重要。

  • Implementing the Supporting to KOS in Document Information Management System Based on Multi-MARC

    利用 Multi-MARC实现 文献信息管理系统对知识组织系统的支持

  • It models query and supporting document as a word-topic-document association instead of the word-document association in language model . In addition the prior knowledge of supporting document is considered to favor expert ranking .

    该方法建模查询和 支持 文档为单词-主题-文档关系,而不是用语言模型建模单词-文档关系,另外,支持文档的先验知识也被考虑来排序专家。

  • Visa requirements for short-term business and leisure travelers have been simplified allowing visa applicants only a single supporting document .

    对短期商务旅行和休闲旅游的签证申请人的要求简化为从菲律宾 提供保证 与邀请信。

  • After the customer submits his form the bank employee b1e1 receives a new task item in her task list informing her that the supporting document has been submitted .

    客户提交其表格后,银行员工b1e1将在其任务列表中收到新任务项,告知 支持 文档已提交。

  • Mechanical parameters of supporting structure are calculated and ensured according to correlative national standardized document .

    依据国家相关规范 手册计算确定 结构力学参数。

  • For establishment of this system the auto company need use the process measure to recognize customer-oriented process management process and supporting process and design process performance target to build quality system frame by document in considering the practical situation .

    汽车企业构建TS16949质量体系,需结合企业实际,运用过程方法识别顾客导向过程、管理过程和 支持过程,设计过程绩效指标,搭建 文件化质量体系框架。

  • It point out that supporting technology is made use of document management product structure configuring management and workflows management through in-depth analysis on system structure of concurrent engineering and functions of PDM .

    通过对并行工程的体系结构与PDM系统的管理功能的深入分析,阐述了多维视图响应 技术和配置技术在 文档管理、产品结构与配置管理以及工作流程管理等方面对PDM系统开发的 支持

  • Using a false supporting document ;

    使用虚假的 证明 文件的;

  • Therefore we in study Lucar is wonderful should not first it belong to in the West Marxism category then seeks for the supporting document again .

    因此,我们在研究卢卡奇的时候,不应首先把它归入到西方马克思主义的类别中,然后再寻找 证明 材料

  • If yes please indicate the nature of disability and attach supporting document that certifies your disability .

    若是,请注明残疾状况并附 证明 文件

  • Implementation of the COM-based and associated design - supporting management of intermediate document

    基于组件技术 支持产品协同设计的中间 文档管理及实现

  • Syntax the BER coding rules and the design for supporting database etc. The exact method and program for implementation of document delivery are also presented in the paper .

    1抽象语法表示、 BER编码规则及其 XML改进、数据库设计等,并给出了具体的解决方法和实现程序。

  • Supporting document for warranty start date otherwise the warranty start date will be the shipping date from tektronix

    以作为保修起始日期 证明 文件,否则保修起始日期将按泰克发货日期计算